Chapter 1 Flashcards
affordable care act (ACA)
focuses on prevention (geared more towards the wellness model)
attempts to make it so everyone has some amount of basal insurance
attempts to expand coverage, hold insurance companies responsible, lower health care costs, guarantee more choice, enhance the quality of care for all Americans
medical tourism
people traveling outside their home country for treatment
employers beginning to outsource employee’s with health insurance to other countries
U.S. healthcare system does not offer ___________
________ across the nation
complex system comprised of many ______ and _____ components
universal health coverage
health disparities
public; private
who are some stakeholders in the U.S. healthcare system?
a. consumers/patients AND providers
b. healthcare insurance companies AND gov’t programs, healthcare facilities, pharmaceutical companies, health labs, software vendors
c. professional orgs, educational/training facilities, research orgs
what are some health indicators for countries and their respective healthcare systems?
infant mortality rates, average life expectancy, chronic disease rates… all are used to evaluate the health state of a population
precursor of hospitals; served the poor, run by local gov’t
run by local gov’t to quarantine people who had contracted a contagious virus (cholera)
hospital charges an insured patient more than it does an uninsured patient for same procedure
insured pays for financial losses hospitals incur when providing services to those w/o insurance
medicare (title XVIII) and medicare (title XIX)
XVIII - medicare (1965)
XIX - medicaid