Chapter 1 Flashcards
institutions and processes through which public policies are made for a society
system of selecting policymakers and organizing govt. so that policy represents and responds to the public’s preferences
Direct Democracy
procedures such as the initiative, the referendum, and the recall, by which voters can have a direct impact on policymaking and political process by voting booth
Representative Democracy
indirect; citizens vote for leaders to represent their interests in policymaking
Parliamentary Democracy
govt. that typically selects the political leader from membership in parliament (the legislature), who are elected
Presidential Democracy
govt. where a head of govt. is also head of state and leads executive branch separate from legislative branch
form of govt. where individual freedom is subordinate to the power of the state; power is centered in one person or small group not constitutionally accountable
absolute power and control of central govt. is held by dictator of a highly centralized govt.
form of govt. where one person (like king/queen) rules; monarch often head of state only, not govt.
govt. where a small group of people has control
govt. with all power residing in a central govt.; most natl. govts. today (ex: Japan)
group of states/political units loosely allied; central authority only has a few powers
way of organizing a nation so that 2 levels of govt. have formal authority over same land & people; shared power between units of govt.
process by which we select our govt. leaders & what policies they pursue; produces authoritative decisions about public issues
Party Platform
political party’s statement of its goals & policies for the next 4 yrs; drafted prior to party convention by a committee; best formal statement of a party’s beliefs
Policy Agenda
issues that attract serious attention of public officials and other people involved w/ govt. at a given time
Policymaking System
process by which political problems are communicated to voters and acted on by policymakers
Linkage Institutions
channels through which issues & people’s policy preferences get on govt. policy agenda; main ones: voting, political parties, media, interest groups
Political Culture
overall set of values widely shared w/in a society
Political Issue
issue that arises when people disagree about a problem & public policy choice
Political Participation
all the activities used by citizens to influence selection of political leaders or policies they pursue; ex: voting, protest, civil disobedience
Single-Interest Groups
groups with narrow interests, tend to dislike compromise, members are often new to politics
Public Goods
goods that everyone must share
Public Policy
choice that govt. makes in response to a political issue
condition that occurs when no coalition is strong enough to form a majority and est. policy; nothing may get done
theory of govt. and politics emphasizing that politics is a competition among groups, each pressing for preferred policies