Chapter 1-4 Arrival And Exploration/ The Establishmemt Of Order Flashcards
chapter 1 the sound of the shell
group of boys marooned on an island P+R first on scene R blows conch to summon survivors Jack leads choir in Simon faints Meeting elects Ralph as chief Piggy's nickname is revealed J, R and S decide to explore island Jack does not kill the pig
‘The boy with fair hair’ chapter 1
symbolic Ralph is presented as innocent and pure and angelic and heroic. all leadership qualities
‘He was shorter than the fair boy and very fat’ chapter 1
Golding presents Piggy as an outsider through his lack of physical activity. Golding is comparing him to the blonde, angelic protagonist showing that he is weak. Golding showing why the boys may look down on him-physically and literally. Piggy is disadvantaged like Hitler thought the Jews were disadvantaged so he looked down on them and treated them badly and differently- Piggy is seen as inferior
‘all round him the long scar smashed into the jungle’ chapter 1
links Ralph to ideas of destruction-foreshadowing savagery. scar-permanent
‘thick spectacles’ chapter 1
specs show Piggy’s knowledge and understanding- sees what other people don’t see
‘this is what the tube done’ chapter 1
wrong verb- Piggy not brilliantly educated but still clever
‘ripped off each stocking with its elastic garter…pulled off his shirt…undid the snake clasp of his belt lugged off his shorts and pants and stood there naked’ chapter 1
Ralph. post-lapsarian image. metaphor between descent into savagery and loss of innocence
“we ought to have a meeting!” chapter 1
Piggy is civilised
‘in colour the shell was deep cream… with fading pink… covered with a delicate, embossed pattern’ chapter 1
first mention of conch- description shows it to be delicate and fragile. Piggy is linked to civilisation as he uses it to call the others
‘a pink thumb, slid into his mouth’ chapter 1
childhood image of comfort
‘something dark was fumbling along… the darkness was not all shadow but mostly clothing… a party of boys… each boy worse a square black cap with a silver badge… boy who controlled them.. badge was golden’ chapter 1
deliberate imagery to show uncivilised. extremely ominous image. lack of humanity associating with death. violence. cap presents a hangman and a vicious image. Jack has power-dictator like Hitler
Jack chapter 1
‘his hair was red beneath the black cap’ - connotations of devil with red and cap is suggestive of hangman and army -relative to death
Simon chapter 1
‘then one of the boys flopped on his face in the sand’ - Golding presents Simon as spiritual in Lord of the Flies when he faints in chapter 1-could be communicating with God through an epileptic fit
“shut up, Fatty” chapter 1
Jack uses a lot of imperatives and is abusive to Piggy as he is highly aware of Piggy’s weak points - link to humiliate
Roger chapter 1
‘there was a slight, furtive boy… who kept to himself with an inner intensity of avoidance and secrecy’
“I can sing C sharp” chapter 1
Jack gives an invalid reason showing simple arrogance
‘the toy of voting was almost as pleasing as the conch’ chapter 1
no understanding of democracy
“I’m chief, then” chapter 1
Ralph is shown to change in terms of becoming a leader when elected as chief over the rest of the boys, forcing him to take charge and make decisions. capable of making sensible decisions, makes rules. short sentences suggests that he is able to make sensible decisions on his own that are good
‘hunters’ chapter 1
sharp change. no hesitation in Jack - merciless
‘if this isn’t an island we might be rescued straight away’ chapter 1
Ralph showing childish optimism
‘Jack snatched…and clouted’ chapter 1
verbs linked to threatening acts
‘Simon stroked Ralph’s arm shyly’ chapter 1
Christ-like image. touch is powerful
‘Jack drew his knife again with a flourish… the pause was only long enough for them to understand what an enormity the downward strike would be… next time there would be no mercy’ chapter 1
delight in potential violence but he would become a killer so held back by conscience. bloodthirstiness foreshadowing savagery and end of humanity
chapter 2 fire on the mountain
another meeting - to be organised - no one can speak unless they have the conch. Piggy takes it and Ralph agrees. small boy afraid of a snake-thing called the beastie. fire - spreads. small boy disappears
‘on his right were most of the choir; on his left the larger boys who had known each other before the evacuation’ chapter 2
right wing, left wing - linked to politics; political. very right wing are the Nazis - Jack and his choir
‘Jack slammed his knife into a trunk and looked round challengingly’ chapter 2
threatening image of Jack. savage. level of violence
“we’ll have to have “Hands up” like at school… I’ll give the conch to the next person to speak” chapter 2
Ralph. innocent response. also shows control suggesting democracy. leadership qualities
“nobody knows where we are… they don’t know where we are ‘cos we never got there” chapter 2
Piggy. he only knows the danger. only one that understands civilisation.
“this is a good island” chapter 2
Ralph’s optimism
“tell us about the snake-thing… he says it was a beastie” chapter 2
metaphor of darkness. how fear can control you. only beast is the boys
‘Jack seized the conch…“if there was a snake we’d hunt it and kill it” chapter 2
Jack is abiding by the rules but his movement shows violence. Jack rules by fear and paranoia. savagery and the loss of innocence
“my father’s in the navy… there aren’t any unknown islands left… Queen has a big room full of maps… so the Queen’s got a picture of this island” chapter 2
Ralph. unrealistic. British arrogant presentation that civilisation will save them
“we must make a fire” chapter 2
Ralph civilised, others aren’t
‘caressed the shell respectfully’ chapter 2
Piggy respects order
‘Jack nodded and pulled at his underlip’ chapter 2
Jack still civilised. does what he is told to do. innocent
‘their black caps of maintenance were slid over one ear like berets’ chapter 2
simile for the loss of innocence. army. image of corruption
“use them as burning glasses!” his voice rose to a shriek of terror as Jack snatched the glasses off his face’ chapter 2
Piggy’s glasses represent knowledge of human power. without glasses he is lost - blindness and sight. Jack grabbing whatever he wants - savagery - foreshadows his later actions of stealing the fire and steals glasses as dictator again
‘the boys were dancing’ chapter 2
sacrifice and savagery. foreshadows Simon’s death
“the conch doesn’t count on top of the mountain” chapter 2
Jack. dictatorship. collapse of civilisation
‘holding the delicate thing carefully in his sooty hands’ chapter 2
Jack holding the conch. democracy is easily broken. lack of respect and loss of innocence
‘the fire laid hold of the forest and began to gnaw… at the sight of the flames and the irresistible course of the fire, the boys broke into shrill, excited cheering… quarter of a mile square of forest was savage with smoke and flame’ chapter 2
imagery of fire. fire losing control. man presented as a destructive animal - savagery. humanity is destroying nature. it is another scar on the island
‘Piggy glanced nervously into hell and cradled the conch…“we ought to be more careful” chapter 2
darkness and death - sight. only one who understands consequences - voice of reason
“that little’un… with the mark on his face, I don’t see him” chapter 2
Piggy. Piggy is their conscience but he is resented. first death of disorder and disobedience.
“snakes! snakes! look at the snakes!” chapter 2
repetition. fear and the beast. symbol of evil tendencies of human nature
‘on the unfriendly side of the mountain the drum-roll continued’ chapter 2
personified. image of hellish conclusion - foreshadowing of denouement
chapter 3 huts on the beach
Ralph and Simon build shelters. Jack wants meat. Jack and Ralph get along and bathe together. Simon went off alone
‘dog-like’ chapter 3
Jack is animalstic
“we want meat” “we want shelters” chapter 3
Jack then Ralph. simple sentences summing up different compulsions both boys have
“the best thing we can do is get ourselves rescued” “rescue? yes of course! all the same, I’d like to catch a pig first” chapter 3
Ralph’s desire vs Jacks desire. they have conflicting ideologies. the difference in priorities is going to cause conflict. sign of division
‘the littluns watched him inscrutably over double handfuls of ripe fruit’ chapter 3
Simon. christ-like image - the feeding of the 5000
‘glanced swiftly round to confirm that he was utterly alone’ chapter 3
Simon as an outsider. relates to Jesus in desert
Simon when alone chapter 3
sense of otium
chapter 4 painted faces and long hair - masks his humanity
Jack and Ralph argue. Roger throws stones to miss. desire for meat is bigger. Jack cuts pigs throat. see a ship. dance at end
‘Roger led the way straight through the castles… Maurice followed… Maurice still felt the unease of wrong-doing’ chapter 4
violent. metaphor for civilisation. civilisation - maurice still has morals within him
‘an unsociable remoteness into something forbidding’ chapter 4
Roger. unsettling as a character. sociopath/psychopath
‘picked up a stone, aimed, and threw it at Henry threw it to miss… invisible yet strong was the taboo of the old life… protection of parents and school and policemen and the law. Roger’s arm was conditioned by a civilisation that knew nothing of him’ chapter 4
Roger. savagery. Roger is still aware of what he has been told not to do. metaphorical - protections show civilisation and the collapse
“like moths on a tree trunk” chapter 4
Jack. image of camouflage - sense of being unrecognisable. freedom to kill
‘rubbed the mess from his face’ chapter 4
Jack doesn’t like it. innocence but inextricably linked and he can’t undo it
‘he began to dance and his laughter became a bloodthirsty snarling’ chapter 4
Jack. aggressive animal. image of possession and being in control - dictator
‘he leapt to his feet and trotted’ chapter 4
Ralph. animal like
‘only Ralph was still’ chapter 4
Ralph sees ship first. always looking at outside world. emblem of civilisation
‘Simon put out his hand, timidly, to touch Ralph’ chapter 4
Simon never brave enough. christ-like image
‘the fire was dead… the smoke of home had beckoned… screamed at the ship’ chapter 4
civilisation is dead. savage. suggests Ralph still thinking of home but hope/chance has died. he wants to be rescued
‘they were chanting’ chapter 4
sense of belonging but also control
“kill the pig. cut her throat. spill her blood” chapter 4
threatening - feminine. savagery
‘he noticed blood on his hands and grimaced distastefully, looked for something on which to clean them, then wiped them on his shorts and laughed’ chapter 4
conflict between civilisation and savagery - Jack embodies that. last part of civilisation. caught red handed. wants to clean his hands which is a metaphorical representation of guilt
“I cut the pigs throat” said Jack proudly and yet twitched’ chapter 4
verb - sense of involuntary movement
“there was lashing of blood” said Jack laughing and shuddering’ chapter 4
enjoyment vs being scared/overwhelmed
‘the dismal truth was filtering through to everybody’ chapter 4
collapse of civilisation.
“that was a dirty trick” chapter 4
Ralph sense of fair and unfair
‘he accepted a piece of half-raw meat and gnawed it like a wolf’ chapter 4
simile. Ralph too starts to behave like a savage