Chapter 1-4 Flashcards
Enclosure- commercial farm force many off the land.
* land owner want to make more money, so force other off. * many became labored to work for others. * created sturdy beggars, they don't have jobs and created crimes.
Outwork system
Woolen industry making clothes is a big industry.
* outwork system is a way to get around guild. * entrepreneurs hire woman to produce clothes. - out of country side. * price of item go down because get around guilds. - guild limited supply to keep price high.
Dominate economic practice in the 17th.
Prosperity of national depend on the gold and silver they have.
Favor exports more than import.
Government intervene by regulations.
Help increase authorities of new nation states & king power depends on wealth.
1. Trade benefits all 2. Favorable trade for surplus of gold 3. Policies encourage growth 4. Colonies are beneficial.
Small pox
Originally from cattle.
Cause high fever, infection of itchy sores fatal.
Kill many Indian from new world.
Plymouth Indian before pilgrim came.
1/2 Aztecs dies make it easier for Cortez Spain.
Incas ruler touch off civil war. Pizarro take advantage.
Columbia exchange
This is when Europe, America & Africa met there was exchange of plant, disease, animals, tech & people. Plant such as cotton, sugar cane. Exports tobacco, corn & potatoes. Created better diet for European. Learn Indian agriculture to improve farming. Sell gun & canon to Indians. Looking to get rich. Millions of Slave brought to new world. Decimate many African community.
After the thirty years war king began to gather power. Divine right because I said so. Weaken power of church & nobles. Rule without parliament. Order stability for citizens. Increase taxes for war and bureaucracy. Build up military power.
Louis 14
The king of France was appointed king at young age.
At 23 he want to be a real king.
Build the Versailles and make noble live with him, so he can control their power.
Make many while decisions and uncontrol power.
Raise heavy taxes and crushed peasant revolt.
When on several war try to gain control of land without success.
Spain, Netherlands. Creates heavy debt after he dies.
Charles 1
Son of king James.
Defend of divine right of king.
Don’t take advices from parliament.
Ask parliament back because he lost the civil war.
Lost to the Puritan.
Try to enforce religious policies on the scot cost civil war.
The study chemical by breaking up atom and rearranged it.
Want to create gold, long life and weapons.
Many early scientists were alchemist.
Philosopher stone, idea from Egypt.
Isaac Newton.
1st modern scientists to say sun in the middle.
Polish alchemists did study for churches.
Dislike Ptolemy system .
Worry of his ideas will cause dislike from churches.
Wait until before death to show his results.
Copernicus universe have fixed stars.
Student of Brahe. Should be a minister. Influence by great astronomer, so he pursues his real interest math and astronomy.
Acclaimed the law of planetary.
Orbit elliptical, faster and created formula.
He proves Copernicus. To
Taught math.
Reinventing the telescopes to see moon and Jupiter.
Pursue his ideas the universe is not perfect, but changing all the time.
Used math to proved.
Against the churches.
Discover gravity and explain how Kepler.
The law of motion when we push something it moved, so their is an equal or opposite reaction.
Invent calculus, experiment with light.
He already know all this when young, but hold back.
A politician who looking for weapon and gold.
Science should create something useful to men.
Created inductive reasoning.
Associated to change of medicine in the 17th.
Not easy to get along with.
Hated idead of old philosophy Aristotle. He thought new medicine should based on observation and experiment.
Thought disease were cause by chemical imbalance in organ and can be treated.
Frenchman spend time in prison for his believed.
Live in England. He like the way country England, hated absolutism.
Check and balance system, rational taxes system. Used reason to solve problem. Translate Newton work in France.
Religious leaders caused war.
People should have saying not just king.
Price revolution
- Inflation
- 1500s b/c population growth, and overseas expansion.
- population double to 85m+ by 1600s.
- people want the same resources, so price raise in Europe.
- consumer goods such wheats.
- standard of living for labors drop and aristocrats gain.
- family farm loose their land to aristocrats.
- colonies send gold back.
John Locke
An Englishman, ideas of our knowledge is derived from environment.
A government is a contract between people and gov.
Created to protest us, if it doesn’t then we can overthrow it.
Critiques absolute monarchy.
Nature w/o gov is like wilderness.
An Frenchmen, man is born free, everywhere else he is in chains.
People adopt law to protect them, but instead it inflate them.
Legitimate authority from people alone, Kings have no real authority.
Citizen obey law they make.
We should foster children, let they grow into men.
Don’t treat opposite sex equally. Don’t used physical discipline.
Mary Wollstonecraft
Woman need citizenship and right to take care of family.
Woman need to be educated, independence to be a complete individual, must be able to take care of self and children.
Adam Smith
a college professor.
Free market and capitalism.
self interest a good thing.
first to used modes in economic.
wealth of a nation was the most popular book published when US independence.
Gov. should touch economy.
Critique of mercantilism- state should be passive, no monopolies, tariffs.
The Wealth of Nations
Book wrote by Adam Smith in 1776.
Adam Smith strongly disagrees with mercantilism.
3 basic in the book are 1. do not used tariff to protect home industry. 2. labor of value. they are the truth wealth of a nation. 3. states should not interfere with economic matters. Gov. jobs are to protect citizen and build public work.
Peter the Great
he went to Europe for a year and love their way of living so much that he want to bring it back to Russia.
cut off noble beards, book of manner. emphasize in schools. woman had more freedom and can marry in their free will.
Westernization. Want Russia to b a military power. credit for forming the 1st Russian navy. admire western technology. appoint senate to govern when he is on war campaign.
study medicine in paris under galen. he is credit for replace old anatomy books with more accurate ones standard like grey’s, the fabric of human body. professor of surgery at university of Padua. get help of artist and human model. dissect body in class illegally.
Anna Morandi Manzolini
her husband was professor of anatomy at university bologna. when her husband passed away she taken over as professor. does dissection and anatomy in class. the college wouldn't let her teach in the class room so her student come to her house for class. she was first to point out small muscle in the eye.
Maria Merian
learn to illustrate in father’s workshop.
She head a expedition to Surinam in south america and published her find in Entomology. insect and plant.
Finding new species of butterfly.
Ottoman Empire
known as the ottoman turks. defeated the Byzantine empire and take control of Constantinople. Gain control of middle east in 1500s.
taken trade route from Italy. began to loose power because of cilvil chaos. Shipbuilding and weapon of other countries getting better. overseas expansion. loose east territories to Russia and loosing their trade route with Asia to the westerner.