Chapter 1 Flashcards
What are the 5 criteria for patient-centered care?
- Explores patients’ main reason for visits, concerns and need for info
- Seek an integrated understanding of patients world
- Finds common ground and mutually agrees on management
- Enhances prevention and health promotion
- Enhances continuing relationship between pt and dr
- Is realistic
What is the doctor expected to do in the sick role?
Apply high degree of skill and knowledge
Act for welfare of patient and community, not self interest
Be objective and emotionally detached
Be guided by rules of professional practice
What is the patient expected to do in the sick role?
Want to get well as quickly as possible
Seek medical advice and cooperate with doctor
Allowed to shed normal activities and responsibilities
Regarded in need of care and unable to get better on their own
Why is evidence based decision making important?
Medical knowledge is incomplete
Medical facts are ever expanding
Medical knowledge is constantly shifting
Constant need for innovation and improvement
What is the regulatory role of the GMC?
To protect, promote and maintain health and safety of the public by ensuring proper standards in the practice of medicine
What is meta ethics?
Study of meaning of moral concepts, what is right and wrong
What is normative ethics? (Moral theory)
Study of the way of deciding what is the right action
What is applied ethics?
The application of moral theory and principles to actual causes
What is consequentialism? (Moral theory)
Rightness of action determined by desirability of consequence e.g. Utilitarianism maximises utility (pleasure, economy, lack of suffering)
What is deontology (moral theory)?
The act is right if it accord with a system of rules or duties - may eh right even if it leads to bad consequences
What is virtue ethics? (Moral theory)
Right action is the one that a virtuous person would perform in the circumstances e.g. Compassion
What are the four ethical principles?
- Autonomy- respect right to make decision
- Non-maleficence- do no harm
- Beneficence- always act to benefit patients
- Justice- treat all fairly and equally
What is the difference between disease and illness?
Disease- broken part of body, symptoms, abnormal tests- treat condition
Illness- unique personal experience, ICEF, social aspect- enhances relationship, discover how affects life as whole
What is paternalism?
Interference with a persons freedom of action of info, justified by reasons referring to welfare of person.
Only acceptable when treating infants and children
Define epidemiology
Study of distribution and determinants of health related states and events in populations and the application of this study to control health problems