chapter 1-3 Flashcards
Definition of Social Work
The major profession that delivers social services in governmental and private organizations throughout the world, social work helps people prevent or resolve problems in psychosocial functioning, achieve life-enhancing goals, and create a just society
Social work duties x4
1) Create policies and procedures
2) Seeks to empower people and to identify and build on the strengths that exist in people and their communities
3) A profession that provides an opportunity for people who want to make a difference in their world
4) help individual persons, families, and communities
What are the 6 NASW Code of Ethics
1) Service
2) Social justice
3) Dignity and worth of the individual
4) Importance and centrality of human relationships.
5) Integrity
6) Competence
When is the NASW Code of Ethics used: x6
1) to clients
2) to their colleagues and coworkers
3) in their work in organizations and practice settings
4) within their professional roles
5) to the profession itself
6) to communities of all sizes from local neighborhoods to global social systems
The NASW has 4 major functions:
1) Professional development
2) Professional action
3) professional standards
4) Membership services
Has become the major professional membership organization in the US
Definition of Ethical practice:
Recognize and manage personal values in a way that allows professional values to guide practices
Definition of Policy practice:
is used for the conscious effort to effect change in the laws, regulations, and provisions of services of government and nongovernment policies and programs
Qualitative research definition:
scientific method of observation to gather non-numerical data. this type of research refers to the meanings, concepts, definitions, characteristics, metaphors, symbols and description of things.
Quantitative research definition:
statistical, numerical data gathering and analysis to arrive at a valid conclusion
Related occupations: x6
1) sociology
2) psychology
3) counseling
4) marriage and family therapy
5) psychiatry
6) human services
Social work,
is a profession that requires working with systems of many sizes
Social work requires the guidance of a broad(_) to help organize and analyze large amounts of information
theoretical framework
Systems theory
Helps social workers attend to and understand the dynamic interactions among the many biological and social systems that affect ongoing practice
System definition:
a system is a whole consisting of interacting parts. these parts are so interrelated that a change in any one part affect all the others
5 systems in the social work field
1) change agent system
2) client system
3) target system
4) action system
5) professional system
The Ecosystems perspective:
This system focuses on interactions between person and environment interacting continually, mutually affecting one another
social workers use an (_) to find life stressors, adapting to family and friends, environment resources
5 levels of social work intervention
1) individual: working 1-1 either to help a person better adapt to his/her environment or to modify the environment so it better meets the needs of the client
2) family: working with family members setting goals together
3) group: working with many types of groups to assist. ex task group
4) organization: assessing needs within an organization. planning and coordinating efforts to help meet the needs
5) community: evaluating community needs. planning to help meet the needs
The Intervention Process in social work:
1) engagement - prepare for action with individuals, families, groups, organizations
2) assessment - collect, organize, interpret client data, assess clients strengths
3) Intervention - initiate actions to achieve organizational goals. Advocate for clients
4) evaluation - social workers critically analyze, monitor, and evaluate interventions
Social work value includes (_) of each person. It is easy when you work with individuals with no apparent disabilities. Individuals that can live independently in their own society.
dignity and worth
(_) always views clients in a hopeful and optimistic way, regardless of the complexity of their issues. They believe that all clients have innate strengths and abilities
Strengths perspective
Definition of prejudice:
preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience. they may decide they do not like them because of their skin color, religion, or nationality
Definition of poverty:
the lack of resources to achieve a reasonably comfortable standard of living. Poverty is a basic issue of social and economic justice
(_) affects members of diverse population groups. These groups do not have an equal chance to achieve a reasonably comfortable standard of living
social and economic justice
Populations at risk of poverty: x6
1) children
2) women
3) elderly
4) racial and ethnic minority groups
5) people with disabilities
6) Gay and lesbian populations
Nearly 1 child in 12 live in (_)
extreme poverty
Definition of racism:
belief that one race is superior to others. Racism lead to discrimination against people of color
Definition of sexism:
belief that one sex is superior to the other. Usually the males are superior to females
Definition of ageism:
belief that youth is superior to age, the old people have outlived their usefulness and therefor are or little value. Involves stereotypes that old people are senile, old fashioned, and different