Chapter 1 Flashcards
Inbuilt purposes
Telos means what in English
It is an end or purpose
Natural law is found in four places
Greek philosophy
Old Testament
New Testament
Orthodox Christianity
Aristotles quote
Nature is a cause that operates for a purpose
Purpose is given in what
Purpose is not man made it is in the thing itself
The laws of nature are three things
Pre existing
The laws of nature we don’t
Make them they apply to everyone
Customs change from time to time but
Nature is universal the universe is intelligible and people can comprehend the order
Mind can know different things from your opinions
There is a purpose to every living thing John Paul
Acorn analogy
Acorn makes an acorn not a giraffe
Man discovers through reason his life could be
A life of virtue rather than vice
Moral relativism
Non teleological, opposite of natural law, truth changes from
Doing whatever we want when we want
Christian meaning of freedom
Licentousness, the capacity the shape ourselves to determine the direction of our lives, we are free to shape ourselves
Physical laws
Not really laws but merely an explanation
Three aspects of a moral act
The object chosen
The intention (the “end”)
The circumstances surrounding the action