Chapter 1 Flashcards
Job Skills
Specific things you can do that are needed to be successful
Job Market
Variety of jobs available to you when you prepare to go to work
Job Title
Name given to a particular job that contains a descriptive word or phrase
Job Description
Gives job details such as location, skills needed
Lifelong Learning
Update job skills by continuing to learn throughout your life
Show the worth placed on ideas or actions
They influence choices made
Plans based on values or desired outcomes
Formal Education
Attending classes where students learn skills/concepts
Informal Education
On-The-Job training
All the activities related to making and distributing goods and services
Person who predicts the economy
Tries to predict what will happen in the future
Quantity of goods and services that producers are willing and able to produce
Willingness and ability of consumers to buy products and services
When demand exceeds supply, prices may go up
Hard skills
The ability to perform tasks and procedures
Soft skills
Nontechnical skills needed by most workers