Chapter 1-2 Vocab Flashcards
Map Projection
a view of the world from a flat view
the study of the features of the world
Absolute Location
exact location
Relative Location
telling the location by locating something else
changes in elevation
Thematic Map
emphasizes the difference between subject and aeras
Global positioning system(GPS)
used to determine the exact or absolute location using the satellites
Geographic information systems(GIS)
computer programs that organize details about places and make maps
Formal region
a region defined by a common charistic such as a product
Functional region
a central place and the surrounding territory linked to it
Perceptual region
a region defined by popular feelings and images-rather than by objective data
a thin layer of gases that covers the earth
uppermost layer of the earth that includes the crust, continents, and oceans basins
the watery areas of the earth including the ocean, lakes, rivers, and other bodies of water
the part of the earth where life exists
Continental shelf
part of a content that extends out underneath the ocean
continental drift
the their that continents were once joined and then slowly drifted apart
inner most layer of the earth made up of a super hot but solid inner core and super hot inner core
the thick middle layer of the earths interior structure consisting of hot rock that is dense but flexible
molten rock that is located between the earths surface
outer layer of the earth, a hard rocky shell forming earths surface
tectonic plate
the term scientist use to describe the drift of continental drift and magma flow which create many of the earth’s physical features
process by which oceanic plates dive beneath continental plates often causing mountains to form on land
process by which magma wells up between oceanic plates and pushes the plates appart
a bend in the layers of rock, sometimes caused by plate movement
a crack or break in the earth’s crust
chemical or physical process that causes rocks to break down
the movement of weathered rock and material by wind, glaciers, and moving water
a large body of ice that moves across the earth’s surface
Water Cycle
regular movement of the earths water from ocean to to air to ground and back to the ocean
the process of converting into vapor or gas
the process of excess water vapor changing into liquid water when warm air cools
moisture that falls to the earth as rail, hail, sleet, or snow
the removal of salt from seawater to make it useable for drinking or farming
Ground Water
water located underground within the earth that supplies wells and springs
underground water-bearing layers of porous rock, sand or gravel