Chapter 1,2,5 Flashcards
challenges of change in careers -
be aware of tech.
current trends
its where you can make your own rules
not corporate owned -
things you get for working
what can you do about change -
accept it
reject it
ignore it
protect yourself from the effects of rapidly changing tech
long - term planning
be aware of the changes occuring worldwide, particularlyin developing countries
a world economy
communication lines -
advancing to a higher level of skill
learning new and diff skills
informal groups of people w/ common interests who interact for mutual assistance
a list of your strong and weakpoints along w/ plans for improvement
self - assesment inventory
organizations that offer services related to careers and employment
advanced degrees
who you are and you fit in is your
things in your life that are import to you are
the way you choose to live your life based on your values
a mental or physical ability is an
individuAL qualities and traits that make you a unique person make up your
a desired end toward which efforts are directed is a
a person you know who has inside info about job openings is called an
a goal that is planned for the next few months or years is called
spending a morning or afternoon w/ a worker ina job that interests you is
job shadowing
a record of jobs you have had and how long you have worked at each
work history
a type of employment agency that seeks out highly qualified people to fill positions is
a good…… includes using effective job search techniques, developing appropriate skills, seeking part-time work, and keeping yourself from being locked into a career
plan ofaction
public and private …. help job seekers find a job for which they are qualified for
employment agencies
when you work and learn to do something well, you are said to have gained ….. in that area, making you more valuable as an employee
many students have …. where students attend classes part of the day and then go find a job that provides supervised field experience
cooperative education
a …. goal is one you expect to reach in a few days or weeks
the local newspaper contains a list of job openings in the classified section called …. ads
help wanted
an alphabetic subject listing of businesses is called the …… of the telephone book
yellow pages
to seek info online and in books, pamphlets, articles, and all resources available is to …….. a topic or subj
the average career spam is …. years during a lifetime
40 or more
when you are no longer a student and have begun your career, your central life activity is likely to be your …
goals reached in 5-10 years
long term goals
reached in a few days/weeks
short term goals
reached in a few months or years
the employees withholding allowance certificate, commonly known as ….. is used to make allowances for tax withholding purposes
form W-4
to instruct an employer to not withhold federal income taxes
some workers under 16 are required to have a ….
work permit
people underage and not considered adults are called
is a law that allows employees to take unpaid leave for family and medical reasons
family & medical leave act
the legally established lower limit of wage rate that can be paid by employers by
minimu wage
reductions in the amount of tax withheld from paychecks are known as ….
it shows your total wages and withholdings while you were unemployed
a law that prohibits unequal pay for men and women doing substantially similar work
equal pay act
an import part of the social security act and it provides benefits to workers who loose their jobs through no fault of their own
unemployment insurance
a program that provides financial security to workers and their families in the event of an on-the-job illness or injury is called …
woerkers compensation
the …… is the government body responsible for overseeing labbor laws
department of labor
a law enacted to set a minimum wage and overtime houts
fair labor standards act
fair labor standards act is also known as …
wage and hour act
ccivil rights act is against …
race and religion
responsibilites to your employers ….
fulfill duties
responsibilites to other employees …
do your fair share
responsibilites to customers ..
respeect, curteous