Chapter 1-2 Flashcards
What are the three ways God reveals himself to us
Creation, scripture, Jesus
Beliefs and practices of the church that are passed down through generations under the guidance of the holy spirit
Sacred tradition
Gods word and sacred tradition passed on to the church
Sacred deposit
The Bible is written in_ it is true but not factual
Figurative language
The disciples on the road to Emmaus recognized Jesus by the
Breaking of the bread
Gods chosen people
The Hebrew Scriptures are called
Old Testament
The Old Testament reveals gods plan to
Save all people
The total number of the books in the Bible
The total number of the books in the old testament’s
The total number of the books in the New Testament
Through the_ god guides and inspires the thoughts of the biblical writers
Holy spirt
Is what god thought about himself and his love for people
Early scripture manuscripts found between 1947-1956
Dead Sea scrolls
Is the primary author of the Bible who inspired writers to write what he wanted the people to know.but he left the writers free to express their message there own way