Chapter 1 Flashcards
how research is being used
1- basic research –> motivation is understanding
2- applied research –> motivation is application, adres issues
what are the motives for social science research
policy motivations
academic motivations
personal motivations
types of social research
description - describe
exploration - what it is to be like ..
explanation - why this happens
evaluation - what can be done about this situation
research strategies in SS
deductive research
indecutive research
deductive research
Deductive research is a method that starts with a general theory or hypothesis and tests it by gathering specific observations or data. It’s often used to confirm or disprove theories and follows a linear process, moving from the general to the specific.
theory –> hypothesis –> data –> conclusion
inductive research
Inductive research is a method that begins with specific observations and works toward broader generalizations and theories. Unlike deductive research, which starts with a hypothesis and tests it, inductive research seeks to generate new theories based on data. Here’s a short overview of the steps:
observations –> pattern –> hypothesis –> theory
criteria for good social research questions
social importance
scientific relevance
types of research design
cross-sectional designs
longitudinal designs
cross sectional design
single snap shot –> causality is very difficult to established
longitudinal design types
repeated observations over a period of time. problem of selective attrition
trend - cohort - panel
longitudinal - trend
data are collected at two or more points of time points from different samples of the same population
example: different people aged 20 in 1980 & 1990 & 2000
longitudinal - cohort
members of the population doesn’t change new sample taken at each different point in time
example : different people who are 20 - 1980 and 30- 1990 and 40 -2000
longitudinal - panel
the same exact sample is used at each point in time
same people in differnet time points ( original version )
what are the advantages and limitations of longitudinal study
better at establishing causality as iv and dv s are measured at different times
costs to much and time consuming
what are the advantages and limitations of cross sectional study
easy and less costly but causality is hard to establish
what is ecological fallacies
when the unit of analysis is groups but the conclusionis done to individuals
what is reductionist fallacy
when the unit of analysis is individuals but the conclusions are done based on groups