Chapter 1 Flashcards
What is the difference between half steps and whole steps?
Half steps are the smallest interval in Western music, while whole steps consist of two half steps
Half steps occur between adjacent keys on a keyboard, while whole steps skip one key.
What are enharmonic pitches?
Pitches that sound the same but are notated differently
For example, C# and Db are enharmonic equivalents.
What are accidentals in music notation?
Symbols that alter the pitch of a note, including sharps (#), flats (b), double sharps (x), double flats (bb), and naturals
Accidentals apply to notes within the measure they are written.
What is the significance of octave numbers?
They indicate the pitch range of notes on the keyboard and staff
For example, C4 refers to Middle C.
What do ledger lines indicate?
They extend the staff to notate pitches that fall outside the standard range
Ledger lines are used for notes above or below the staff.
How do you differentiate between duple, triple, and quadruple meters?
Duple has 2 beats per measure, triple has 3, and quadruple has 4
Time signatures indicate the meter type.
What are the types of note values?
Whole notes, half notes, quarter notes, eighth notes, and sixteenth notes
Each type has a specific duration relative to the whole note.
Fill in the blank: The symbol for a crescendo indicates _______.
gradually getting louder
What is syncopation in rhythm?
The rhythmic displacement of accents
It creates a feeling of surprise or off-beat timing.
What is the whole-half pattern for constructing major scales?
Whole step, whole step, half step, whole step, whole step, whole step, half step
This pattern applies to all major scales.
What does the solfege system represent?
The syllables used to denote the degrees of the scale: Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Ti
These correspond to scale degrees: tonic, supertonic, mediant, etc.
Fill in the blank: The tonic note in a scale is represented by _______.
What happens when sharps or flats are removed from key signatures?
It alters the key of the music
For example, removing a flat from Bb Major changes it to C Major.
List the degree names in a scale.
- Tonic (^1)
- Supertonic (^2)
- Mediant (^3)
- Subdominant (^4)
- Dominant (^5)
- Submediant (^6)
- Leading Tone (^7)
True or False: The bottom number in a time signature indicates the type of note that receives one beat.
What is an anacrusis in music?
A pickup note or notes that precede the first downbeat of a measure
It sets up the rhythm for the piece.
What is the purpose of dynamic markings in music?
To indicate changes in volume during a performance
Examples include symbols for forte (loud) and piano (soft).
What are triplets in music?
Groups of three notes played in the duration of two notes of the same value
They create a unique rhythmic feel.
What is the role of tempo markings?
To indicate the speed of the music
Terms like allegro (fast) and adagio (slow) are commonly used.
What is a half step in music?
A half step is the smallest interval in Western music, equivalent to one semitone.
What is a whole step in music?
A whole step is an interval that consists of two half steps, equivalent to two semitones.
True or False: A half step can also be referred to as a semitone.
How many half steps are there in an octave?
There are 12 half steps in an octave.
Fill in the blank: A whole step consists of ______ half steps.
On a keyboard, which keys represent a half step?
Adjacent keys, including both white and black keys, represent a half step.
What is the distance between C and C# on the keyboard?
The distance is a half step.