Chapter 1 Flashcards
Off-grid rigs require ways to generate electrical energy
Power System
Electrical power generators found in rigs typically use
diesel-powered internal combustion engines called______–
_______power motors connected to the draw works,
rotary table, and mud pumps
Prime movers
Depending on their size and capacity, rigs can have up to
four prime movers delivering power amounting to 3000hp
Power System
a large pulley system
used to lower and raise
drill string, casing, and
equipment into and out of
the well.
Hoisting System
Main components:
line, draw works, crown
block, travelling block,
deadline anchor, and
reserve drum
Lifts equipment and
drillstrings up and down
Draw works
Driller-controlled clutch and
gearing system
Draw Works
Uses brake system when
lowering equipment
Draw Works
Uses a large revolving drum
Draw Works
A wire rope called the
is spooled
around the drum
drilling line
Electric motors and gearing
system runs the drum
Draw Works
an assembly of sheaves (or
pulleys) over which the drilling
line is reeved
mounted on beams at the top
of the derrick
It is where the drilling line is
threaded (reeved) over a set of
sheaves down to another set of
sheaves called a
an arrangement of
pulleys through which the
drilling line is reeved
Travelling Block
Allows the drillstring to
be raised or lowered
Travelling Block
Can have a fixed or a
mounted hook
Travelling Block
A large hook with a snap-shut
locking device suspended from
the travelling block
Drilling Hook
Used to suspend the drillstring
Drilling Hook
May be used to hang the top
Drilling Hook
connected to the travelling block.
A set of clamps used when
running or pulling the drillstring or
casing into or out of the hole
a heavy-duty wire rope made out of six strands of
improved plow steel
Drilling Line
7/8 to 2 inches in diameter
Drilling Line
Part of the drilling line reeled to the drawworks
travels with greater velocity than any other portion of the line
that part of the drilling line between the crown block and
the deadline anchor
remains stationary as the travelling block is hoisted
securely fastens the deadline to the mast or derrick
Deadline anchor
the greatest wear on the line happens as it
passes around the top of the crownblock
sheave while raising the drillstring
Hoisting System
______or___________ is performed to maintain a competent drilling
line for safe operation
Slip or Slip and cut operatuoion
the travelling block is lowered to the
drillfloor; (2) the dead line anchor is unclamped, and (3) some of the reserve line is threaded through the sheaves on the travelling block and crown block onto the drawworks drum
Slip Operation
done if the drawworks drum is full;
(1) the travelling block is lowered to the drillfloor; (2) the dead line anchor is unclamped, and (3) the line on the drawworks is unwound and discarded before the reserve line is threaded through the system onto the drawworks drum
Slip and cut operation
A closed hydraulic circuit allowing the mud to flow from the surface to
the bottom of the hole, inside the drill string, and subsequently back to
the surface;
Circulating System
Consists of mud pumps, distribution lines, and the mud cleaning and
accumulation system;
Circulating System
Includes series of equipment for removing solids and gases from the
mud as it flows from the well back to the active pit before being
reinjected into the hole;
Circulating System
Mud pumps supply the energy necessary for circulation.
Circulating System
located at the start of the circulating system near the mud pumps
where drlling fluid is initially prepared, and maintained depending on
well bore conditions
Preparation Area
Preparation areas contains
Steel Mud Tanks/ Mud Pits
Bulk Mud Component Storage/ Mud House/ Sack Room
Bulk Tanks
Mud Mixing Hopper
Reserve Pit
Sand Trap
Settling Tanks
Suction Tanks
Slug Tank
Chemical Tank
Circulating Equipment
specialized equipment for moving the drilling fluid from the
preparation area down the borehole and back to the active mud pit
Eaxamples of Circuilationg Equipment
Mud Pump
Discharge Line
Rotary Hose/ Kelly Hose
Mud Return Line/ Flow
Station dedicated for decontaminating and conditioning drilling fluids
brought out of the well bore
Conditioning Area
Conditioning equipment include:
Shale Shaker
Any pit not part of the active (circulatory) system.
Reserve Mud Pit/ Mud Tank
In operations on land, the reserve pit is usually a plastic-lined,
earthen pit, in which waste mud is stored until final disposal.
Reserve Mud Pit/ Mud Tank
The reserve pit may be used to store spare or waste mud, base oil
or brine.
Reserve Mud Pit/ Mud Tank
Powered by a centrifugal pump that
moves the mud at high velocity through a
venturi nozzle (jet) below the
conical-shaped hopper;
Mud Mixing Hopper/ Mud Hopper/ Jet
A mud-flow device for funneling materials
are put into the circulating mud system;
Mud Mixing Hopper/ Mud Hopper/ Jet
Dry materials are added through the mud
hopper to provide dispersion,
rapid hydration, and uniform mixing;
Mud Mixing Hopper/ Mud Hopper/ Jet
Liquids are sometimes fed into the mud
by a hose placed in the hopper.
Mud Mixing Hopper/ Mud Hopper/ Jet
a drilling mud filled open steel or
earthen berm tank that is not stirred
or circulated;
Settling Tank/ Settling Pit
Somewhat cleans mud by letting it
pass slowly and allowing solids to
Settling Tank/ Settling Pit
A major drawback to this type of
“cleaning” is that solids intentionally
put into the mud, such as barite,
may settle to the bottom and be
discarded rather than circulated
back into the wellbore.
Settling Tank/ Settling Pit
A small pit, typically located
immediately after the shaker
screens, which is used as a settling
pit to separate coarser solids that
accidentally bypass the shakers;
Sand Trap
Mud enters the pit at one side and
exits via an overflow at the other;
Sand Trap
They are dumped periodically to
remove the settled solids, or
alternatively the contents can be
processed over a fine screen or with
a centrifuge.
Sand Trap
Small compartment, normally
adjacent to the suction
compartment, used to mix
special fluids to pump downhole;
Slug Tank
Most commonly used to prepare
a small volume of weighted
drilling fluid before a drillstem trip
in and out of the borehole.
Slug Tank
Used for mixing special
chemicals like caustic soda
(sodium hydroxide) before it is
placed in the active mud tank
Chemical Tank
Positive displacement type
pumps are used (reciprocating
pistons) to deliver the high
volumes and high pressures
required to circulate mud through
the drillstring and up the annulus;
Mud Pumps
Duplex (2 cylinders) -
double acting
Triplex (3 cylinders) -
single acting
At least TWO pumps are
installed on the rig;
Mud Pumps
At shallow depths they are
usually connected in parallel to
deliver high flow rates;
Mud Pumps
Single-acting pumps (i.e., Triplex
pump) discharge on either the
forward or return stroke of the
piston or plunger; every cycle of
the pump displaces only one
volume of liquid.
Single acting
As the well goes deeper the
pumps may act in series to
provide high pressure and
lower flowrates.
Mud Pumps
In double-acting pumps (i.e.,
Duplex pumps), liquid is
discharged on both the forward
and return stroke of the piston.
double acting
are generally used
in offshore rigs and duplex pumps
on land rigs;
Triplex pumps
are only
single-acting; can be
either single- or double-acting.
Plunger pumps
Piston Pumps
have two cylinders
and are double-acting (i.e. pump
on the up-stroke and the
Duplex pumps
A positive-displacement reciprocating pump that is configured with three plungers;
Triplex Pumps
The most common configuration of
pump used in both drilling and well
service operations;
Triplex Pumps
Capable of handling a wide range
of fluid types, including corrosive
fluids, abrasive fluids
and slurries containing relatively
large particulates.
Triplex Pumps
Commonly used on workover rigs,
that has two plungers or pistons;
Duplex Pumps
As a positive-reciprocating pump,
the fluid flow rate is typically
calculated from the number of
strokes per minute that the pump
makes and the displacement
volume per stroke;
Duplex Pumps
Such a level of accuracy usually is
sufficient for general workover
Duplex Pumps
Line connecting the pump to a
series of tubulars and equipment
to feed drilling fluids into the
Discharge Line
Advantage of Triplex Pumps
Easier, Faster Maintenance
Cost Less to operate