Chapter 1 Flashcards
What does plenary verbal inspiration mean in relation to the Bible?
What does Peter say is a more reliable source is recounts to the Transfiguration of Jesus than what he saw himself?
God and His inspired Word
What is more reliable than man’s eyewitness?
God’s inspiration
What does verbal inspiration mean?
the words of the Bible are God-breathed
What does the word verbal mean?
“by means of words” or “word for word”
Who gave the exact words for the Scriptures?
What does the translated word “scripture” mean?
the actual writings of God’s Word
Why can we go to heaven?
because Jesus was perfect in the Old Testament law and its meaning and paid the penalty of the Old Testament law
What was the penalty of the Old Testament law?
What is the smallest letter of the Hebrew alphabet?
What is the small appendage that differentiates two similar - looking letters in the Hebrew alphabet?
What refers to the word-for-word inspiration of the scriptures?
What is the full idea that God use the writers of the Bible as automatons and they had no say in what they were doing?
“mechanical dictation”
What means “full”; every word is breathed out by God?
How is the Bible different from any other book?
The word of God is eternal, the word of God is the only book inspired by God
What means “sanctified” or “set apart”?
When did God claim the writers of the Bible?
before they were even born
Could the writers of the Bible have known or understood the things that God was telling them to write?
True or false: God inspired the writers of the Bible to write about some of the things which they had been eyewitnesses to.
Was being an eyewitness sufficient when the writers were writing the Bible?
The Bible is unique because it presents men as they really are, what is that?
Sinners in need of salvation
What is the false idea that teaches that the writers of the Bible were inspired men who reached high levels of creativity like Shakesphere, Bach, and Beethoven?
natural inspiration
What is the false teaching that the Bible merely “contains” the Word of God?
partial inspiration
What is the false teaching that says that God only inspired the thoughts of the Bible and that man wrote those thoughts down in his own words?
conceptual inspiration
What are three reasons why conceptual inspiration is wrong and does not align with what the Bible says?
(1) the Bible claims every word is inspired; (2) it is impossible to have wordless thought; (3) the writers themselves occasionally did not understand what they were writing
What is the false teaching that is often called the “encounter theory” and teaches that the Bible only becomes the word of God when it speaks to you personally?
The Bible “becomes” the word of God
Which Bible reference is important in disproving false teachings about the Bible?
2 Timothy 3:16-17
What is always the test of the validity of man’s message?
The word of God
How many times is the phrase “Thus sayeth the Lord” and similar phrases found in the Old Testament?
Did the human writers of the Bible realize that God was giving them the words?
Among the very few books that claim to be the word of God what are they filled with?
Anachronisms and historical inaccuracies
Who was the Roman Emperor who decreed in AD 303 that every Bible should be destroyed?
What had Diocletian been told about the destruction of the Bible?
That if he could destroy the Bible he would destroy Christianity because “Christians are a people of the Book.
Who succeeded Diocletian and replaced pagan symbols with the symbol of the cross less than 10 years after his succession?
Who was the French atheist alive 1400 years after Constantine who boasted, “100 years from my day there will not be a Bible in the earth except one that is looked upon by an antiquarian curiosity seeker.”
When was the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls made?
What is the Book of Jewish law that explains how the copying of the manuscripts occurred and gave instruction to the copies of the Bible for how they were to do it?
What were the covetous who followed the rules of the Talmud to copy the Bible called?
What were lumber cupboards attached to synagogues in which defective manuscripts were laid aside?
What were copies of the Pentateuch intended for use in the synagogues called?
Synagogue rolls
Who invented the moveable-type printing press?
Johann Gutenberg
When was the first Bible printed on the moveable-type printing press?
How many warnings does God give about adding to or taking away from the Bible?
Where are the warnings that God gives about adding to or taking away from the Bible found?
the beginning, the middle, and the end
What was the Aramaic language referred to as in the Old Testament because of its origin?
What was the Aramaic language sometimes referred to as the New Testament because of its linguistic similarities?
Who originally spoke the Aramaic language, and where were they from?
Arameans; northeast Palestine and Syria
Who was the “Morning of the Reformation”?
John Wycliffe
About how many languages has the Bible been translated into? How many more, portions of the Bible?
2009; 910
Between 1815 and 1992, approximately how many copies of the Bible have been printed?
6.1 billion
What are some references found in the Old Testament about prophesies that came true in the New Testament?
Psalm 22, Isaiah 7:14, Micah 5:2, etc.
What are two New Testament prophesies that have already come true?
the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans in A.D. 70 and the unnatural death of Simon Peter
What are a few areas that show the scientific accuracy of the Bible?
The earth is spherical in shape, the earth rotates upon its axis, the stars cannot be numbers, etc.
What are two illustrations of the scientific accuracy of the Bible?
George Washington and the French Academy of Science
What means that the Bible is without error throughout, whether it is speaking historically, scientifically, or morally?
What does an inerrant book represent?
a perfect Author
What was one of the big archaeological discoveries that proved what the Bible historically said was true?
the discovery of the Hittite capital
Who are two examples that the Bible has the power to transoform lives?
the Apostle Paul, John Newton, George Müller
What is a measuring rod, rule, or standard?
What means a book’s right to be included in the Biblical Canon because God has determined it so and man has recognized it as inspired by God?
Who is Canonicity determined by?
Who is Canonicity recognized by?
What are four of the five questions that should be asked when accurately recognizing God’s Word?
(1) Is it authentic? (2) Is it prophetic? (3) Is it authoritative? and (4) Is it dynamic?
What were the three sections of the Old Testament in Jesus’ time?
Law of Moses, Psalms, and Prophets
Who removed any question about the canonicity of the Bible?
Jesus Christ
What was reauthenticated by Christ?
the canonicity of the New Testament
Were the apostles aware that God was giving them His precious Word?
Why was the canonicity of the Apocrypha rejected?
(1) they never claim inspiration for themselves; (2) some of their teaching is unbiblical; (3) they were never sanctioned by early church leaders; (4) they were never allowed a place in the canon for the first four centuries after Christ; etc.
In what language specifically was the New Testament written in?
koine (Greek)
What is the indwelling Holy Spirit giving the Christian the ability to understand the Scripture?
What is God’s disclosing to man things about Himself that man could not know otherwise?
What is God’s unique “breathing” of His words into the human writers of Scripture?
What is God’s teaching the Christian the truths of His Word?
What is the fact that the Bible is easily understood?
What principle of Bible inspiration teaches that the words of the Scripture should be interpreted in a normal, natural, proper way?
literal principle
What principle of Bible inspiration teaches that we must be careful to view a passage in its original, cultural, and historical setting?
historical principle
What principle of Bible inspiration teaches that a passage can be correctly interpreted by the correct understanding of the context in which it is found?
contextual principle
What principle of Bible inspiration teaches that a passage cannot be fully understood unless the grammar of that passage is understood?
grammatical principle
What principle of Bible inspiration teaches that we must always interpret a verse of Scripture in light of other passages of Scripture?
synthetical principle
What principle of Bible inspiration teaches that we must ask ourselves the question “What does this passage mean to me?”
practical principle
In what caves were the Dead Sea Scrolls found?
Qumran caves
Who was a great European scholar whose goal was to make it as easy as possible for the student of God’s word to study the New Testament in the original Greek language?
What was Erasmus’s printed Greek text that was called so because it was the “text received” or accepted by Christians?
Textus Receptus
Who translated the Bible from the original Hebrew and Greek to English and was burned at the stake for his work in translating the scriptures into the common language of the English people?
William Tyndale
Who translated the Latin Vulgate into the English language with his followers?
John Wycliffe
Who was a personal friend of William Tyndale who was able to complete his copy of the Bible in 1537?
Thomas Matthews or John Rogers
Who printed an edition of the Bible that was known as the Great Bible because of its size and had an image of Queen Elizabeth I; was made in 1539?
Miles Coverdale
What was the Bible used by William Shakespeare, John Bunyan, and the Puritans in 1560?
Geneva Bible
What version of the Bible, completed in 1611, has been used by English-speaking missionaries to take the gospel around the globe?
Authorized Version (King James Bible)