Chapter 1 Flashcards
Who wrote “The Vagabond”?
Robert Louis Stevenson
What are the themes of “The Vagabond”?
adventure, simplicity, nature, contentment, exploration
What is the central idea that gives a work meaning?
What is what the author seeks to communicate?
the message
Who were the people in Acts 17 that would search the Scriptures to see if what Paul was saying was Biblically accurrate?
the Boreans; the people from Borea
What are the themes of “Sonnet 19: On His Blindness”?
human frailty, loss, service
Who wrote “Sonnet 19: On His Blindness”?
John Milton
What type of background is the large-scale events that surround the writing of a work?
historical background
What type of background relates to the customs, habits, and ways of thinking as well as the artistic and literary characteristics specific to a group in which a work was written?
cultural background
What is an example of historical background?
Alfred, Lord Tennyson’s “The Charge of the Light Brigade”; because he was commemorating actual people
What is an example of cultural background?
William Wordsworth’s “Composed upon Westminster Bridge”; without knowing the cultural background, one may think that he was praising London for it’s beauty when he was actually praising nature for making London beautiful
What type of background is the life experiences of an author and is the most common influence on an author’s work?
biographical background
What is the theme of from “Sonnet 26: I Lived with Visions for my Company”?
the inferior satisfaction of imagined companions
What is a movement that hailed nature over civilization that William Wordsworth was a leader in?
What is a way to analyze literature by using specific evidence in a text to draw conclusions about the text?
Close reading.
What is the place and time the work takes place?
Who are those who drive the action of the plot?
What is the use of words that appeal to the senses?
What is an express comparison of unlike things using the word like or as?
What is an implied comparison in which one thing is described in terms of another?
What is an item or character which represents something else - often a bigger idea or an intangible concept?
What is a comparison in which human qualities are given to an inanimate object or animal?
What is the perspective from which a story is told?
Point of view
What is the use of words to convey the opposite of their literal meaning; the difference between what a character or speaker says and what the text reveals?
Name some examples of point of view.
First person, second person, third person limited or omniscient
What are some examples of irony?
Verbal, situational, dramatic
What is the writer’s or speaker’s attitude toward his subject?
What is the response which the writer intends from his readers?
What are the themes in “In which a Slight Glimpse is had of San Francisco”?
Adventure, organization vs. chaos, honor
What work are these lines from, “‘The election of a general-in-chief, no doubt?’ asked Mr. Fogg.
‘No, sir; of a justice of the peace.’”
In which a Slight Glimpse in had of San Francisco
Who wrote “The Gift to Sing”?
James Weldon Johnson
What are the themes of “The Gift to Sing”?
suffering, persistence, hope
What are the lines “No nights are dark, no days are long, / While in my heart there swells a song, / And I can sing.” from?
The Gift to Sing
What is a long, narrative poem in elevated style which presents characters and actions of heroic proportions?
What are the themes of “The Epic of Gilgamesh”?
eternal life, mortality
In Babylonian mythology, who was the sole survivor of the flood who gained immortality because of his survival?
What is the repeating of words of phrases to communicate meaning or to create an effect?
What is a direct or indirect hint at an event that will take place in the future, often composed of other literary elements such as imagery, symbolism, or dialogue?
Why couldn’t Gilgamesh achieve everlasting life?
because it wasn’t his destiny, his destiny was to be a great king
What are these lines from: “Men will say, ‘Who has ever ruled with might and with power like him?’”?
The Search for Everlasting Life
What are these lines from: “How can I be silent, how can I rest? He is dust and I shall die also and be laid in the earth forever”?
The Search for Everlasting Life
Who was the man who followed Fogg around the world?
Detective Fix
Who wrote, “In which a Slight Glimpse is had of San Francisco”?
Jules Verne
What is Jules Verne’s nationality?
he is French