Chapter 1 Flashcards
The Greek god of medicine established centers where medicine is practiced.
approaches were grounded in scientific reasoning based on close observa-tion of the patient. They also con-tained writings about the conduct of physicians, including the famous Hippocratic oath.
wrote the De Materia Medica, five books that described over 600 plants and their healing properties. The main influence for Western pharmaceutics. he described was made from the bark of a type of willow tree
went to Rome and became the greatest name in Western medicine since Hippocrates. Furthered scientific approach to medicine. Expanded what Hippocrates started.
From the bark of the cinchona tree. the first drug to be used successfully in the treatment of malaria.
Dr. Zabdiel Boylston
became the first person to administer a smallpox vaccine
William Withering,
his study of the foxglove plant and the drug it contained, digitalis (modern day Digoxin)
Louis Pasteur
experiments showed that microorganisms cause food spoilage, and that heat can be used to kill them and preserve the food.
Carl Koller
discovered that cocaine, the active ingredient in coca leaves. cocaine became established as the first local anesthetic.
1850 1900
Acetylsalicylic acid (ASA), popularly known as aspirin, was developed because of difficulties in using salicylic acid, a drug contained in certain willow trees.
Alexander Fleming
dis-covered a fungus that produces a chemical that kills bacteria. He named the chemical penicillin
Banting and Best
showed that an extract of the hormone insulin lowers blood sugar in dogs and so might be useful in treating the terrible disease diabetes
James Watson and Francis Crick
identified the structure of DNA
Dr. Jonas Salk
succeeded in devel-oping a refined injectable polio vaccine from killed polio virus.
The Human Genome Project
mapping the entire DNA sequence in the human genome.
Highly active anti-retroviral therapy
Highly active anti-retroviral therapy (HAART) was introduced to treat AIDS.