Chapter 1 Flashcards
What are major groups of Microbes?
Prokaryotes-Bacteria and Archea.
Eukaryotes-Algae, Fungi and Protozoa
Acellular- Viruses
Size of Viruses
About 20 nm
Size of Protozoa
Size of Bacteria
Give 6 reasons to study microbes?
- Some produce Oxygen
2.Fix nitrogen for use of plants
3.Important members of the food chain
4.used by industries-in making beer, wine, pickle, cheese and antibiotics.
5.genetically engineered to produce therapeutics like Insulin role in human immunity and Digestion.
What bacterium helps in breaking down contaminants from soil where TNT (Trinitrotoulene) is Kept?
Clostridium bifermentans
Bacteria used in making chocolate is ? and what it does ?
Yeasts, Lactobacilli and Acetobacter.
It secretes acid to help break the pod.
What bacterium have capability of making plastic?
Alcaligenes eutrophus
What is Bioremediation?
Biological degrading processes for the treatment contaminated soils, groundwater etc, by using microbes like bacteria or fungi which use contaminants as food source.
Microbes known as Bioremediators.
Bacteria that helps give jeans right colour, reduce hairiness and make it softer and lighter?
Alkalothermophilic Thermomonospora
Produces enzyme cellulose which mix with coarse denim
Can bacteria used as Insecticides ?
Yes, they are being used as biocontrol agents to help control diseases in crops.
Who invented the first microscope?
Robert Hooke 1665
Made a crude microscope to view individual cell
Whose invention started cell theory?
Robert Hooke 1665
All living organisms are composed of cells.
Who built microscope that could view living Microbes?
Antonio van Leeuwenhoek 1673
He called them animalcules.
What is Spontaneous Generation?
Belief that some forms of life can arise from non-living matter
Define Biogenisis?
Living matter arise only from pre-existing living matter.
Who disproved the theory of spontaneous generation? And aseptic technique?
Louis Pasteur 1861
Who developed the principle of aseptic technique?
Louis Pasteur 1861
What Louis Pasteur observed in microscopic yeast?
Fungi convert sugar into alcohol using process called fermentation.
What is souring?
When bacteria turns alcohol to vinegar.
What did Louis Pastuer did to prevent spoilage?
Heating beer or wine after fermentation would kill bacteria and prevent spoilage
Process was called Pasteurization.
The germ Theory.
Louis Pasteur ‘s work on fermentation prompted the speculation that microbes could also be responsible for disease.
What was previous believes about diseases?
It was believed that disease was a punishment for crimes or misdeeds.
When whole town got sick, It was called work of demons
Phenol was used to clean surgical instruments and treat surgical wounds.
Joseph Lister 1860
Robert Koch 1876
Investigated the cause of anthrax and isolated bacteria from blood of infected cows and showed a particular bacterium was present in all cases of diseases.
Who developed the vaccine against small pox?
Edward Jenner 1798
What Edward Jenner do?
People who were previously sick with the mild disease cowpox did not get sick with smallpox.
He inoculated a young boy with cow pox, the boy became mildly ill and recovered and became immune to smallpox
Who discovered the first antibiotic?
Alexander Fleming 1928
Penicillin-an antimicrobial chemical produced naturally by Bactria or fungi.
Noticed that mold inhibited bacterial growth on contaminated plated
Nomenclature(naming system for microbes)
Genus capitalized. Specific name not capitalized.
Genus and species are Latinized
Always written in italics or underlined
Who noticed certain dyes stained bacteria differently than they stained the animal cells.
Paul Ehrlich 1908
Who discovered Salvarsan? What it do?
An arsenic derivative that could be used to treat syphilis.
Beginning of chemotherapy ,
What did Paul Ehrlich proposed?
that a chemical might be found that would harm disease causing microbes without harming the host.
What is selective toxicity?
ability of the drug to targets sites that are relative
specific to the microorganism responsible for infection. Sometimes
these sites are unique to the microorganism or simply more essential to
survival of the microorganism than to the host.