Chapter 1 Flashcards
The Origin of the Ocean
An increase of the mass of a body by accumulation or clumping of smaller particles
Big Bang
The hypothetical event that started the expansion of the universe from a geometric point, the beginning of time
The initial formation of life on Earth
Condensation Theory
The premise that stars and planets accumulate from contracting, accreting clouds of galactic gas, dust, and debris.
The mass per unit volume of a substance, usually expressed in grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm^3)
Density Stratification
The formation of layers in a material, with each deeper layer being denser than the layer above.
Tests that simplify observation in nature or in the laboratory by manipulating or controlling the conditions under which observations are made.
A large, rotating aggregation of stars, dust, gas, and other debris held together by gravity. There are perhaps 50 billion galaxies in the universe and 50 billion stars in each galaxy.
Gas Giant Planet
Massive, relatively low-density planets that are composed primarily of hydrogen, helium, and other light materials in either their gas or liquid state. They are often found in the outer solar system and do not have a well-defined solid surface.
A speculation about the natural world that may be verified or disproved by observation and experiment.
A large construct explaining events in nature that have been observed to occur with unvarying uniformity under the same conditions.
Marine Science
The process (or result) of applying the scientific method to the ocean, its surroundings, and the life-forms within it; also called oceanography or oceanology.
Milky Way Galaxy
The name of our galaxy; sometimes applied to the field of stars in our home spiral arm, which is correctly called the Orion Arm.
Diffuse could of dust and gas.
The great body of saline water that covers 70.78% of the surface of Earth. One of its primary subdivisions bounded by continents, the equator, and other imaginary lines.