Chapter 1 Flashcards
Bourne-again shell
What is the history command?
Shows you all the commands you typed into the terminal.
What command will show you the day, month, year and current time.
What does the up arrow do?
Recalls the previous commands.
What does the down arrow do?
Scrolls down the list of previous commands.
How do you cancel a process?
ctrl + c
What will the cd -
command do?
Brings you back to the previous folder you were in. This doesn’t have to be a parent or subfolder.
ctrl + u will?
Delete from the cursor to the start of the line.
option + right arrow will?
Move the cursor to the right one word.
What is the home folder?
Holds personal directories for regular users.
ctrl + E or ^E will?
Move the cursor to the end of the line.
What are the short cut keys to copy something from the terminal?
cmd + c
What does the cd command stand for and what does it do on its own?
Stands for change directory.
cd on its own will bring you back to your home directory.
What is the command to bring up a calendar?
What short cut command brings the cursor left one word?
option + left arrow