Chapter 1 Flashcards
Define natural science
Field of science related to physical world and its phenomenons and processes.
Fields of Natural Science
- Physical (Physics, astronomy, chemistry)
- Life sciences (biology)
Broad Overview of Biology
Bios(life) + logos (study)
What do Biologists Do?
Observing field of science related to physical world and its processes.
What is Biology?
Study of life; artibitary
Basic (pure) Science
- Science for knowledge regardless of application. *No product or service, knowledge for the sake of knowledge
Applied Science (technology)
Science applied to real-world problems. Problem is define by the researcher.
Ultimate Goal:
To Know
Science is fueled by?
curiosity, inquiry
How do we study Biology?
Two forms: Inductive and Deductive
Inductive science
Assuming future will resemble past
Deductive Science
Hypothesis-based science
What is a scientific hypothesis
S.H: Criteria for it to be Valid
What is a null hypothesis?
Why is null hypothesis important?
Steps of Scientific Method: 1
Make observations
Steps of Scientific Method: 2
Steps of Scientific Method: 3
Design Experiment
Steps of Scientific Method: 4
Collect Data
Steps of Scientific Method: 5
Analyze Data
Steps of Scientific Method: 6
Refine and Repeat Experiment