CHAPTER 1 Flashcards
The interval between the birth of a neonate born after 20 weeks’ gestation and the 28 completed days after that birth.
Perinatal period
The complete expulsion or extraction from the mother of
a fetus after 20 weeks’ gestation.
Fetuses weighing <500 g
are usually not considered births but rather are termed
Neonatal weight determined immediately after delivery or as soon thereafter as feasible
The number of live births per 1000 population
Birth rate
The number of live births per 1000 females aged 15 through 44 years.
Fertility rate
The term used to record a birth whenever the newborn at or sometime after birth breathes spontaneously or shows any other sign of life such as a heartbeat or definite
spontaneous movement of voluntary muscles.
The absence of signs of life at birth
Stillbirth or fetal death
Death of a liveborn neonate during the first 7 days at birth
Early neonatal death
Death after 7 days but before 29 days
Late neonatal death
The number of stillborn neonatesbper 1000 neonates born, including live births and stillbirths
Stillbirth rate or fetal death rate
The number of neonatal deaths per 1000 live births
Neonatal mortality rate
The number of stillbirths plus neonatal
deaths per 1000 total births.
Perinatal mortality rate
All deaths of liveborn infants from birth through 12 months of age
Infant death
The number of of infant deaths per 1000 klive births
Infant Mortality Rate
newborn whose weight is <2500 g
Low birthweight
newborn whose weight is <1500 g
Ver low birthweight
newborn whose weight is <1000 g
Extremely low birthweight
A neonate born any time after 37 completed
weeks’ gestation and up until 42 completed weeks’ gestation
Term neonate
Refers to neonates born at 37 completed weeks up to 38th weeks
Early term
Denotes those born at 39 completed weeks up to 40 weeks
Full term
Describes neonates born at 41 completed weeks up to 41 weeks
Late term
A neonate born before 37 completed weeks
(the 259th day)
Preterm neonate
A neonate born before 34 completed weeks
Early preterm
neonate born between 34 and 36
completed weeks
Late preterm
neonate born any time after completion of
the 42nd week, beginning with day 295
Postterm neonate
Fetus or embryo removed or expelled from the uterus in the frst half of gestation—20 weeks or less, or in the absence
of accurate dating criteria, born weighing <500 g.
The purposeful interruption of an intrauterine pregnancy that has the intention other
than to produce a liveborn neonate and that does not result
in a live birth
Induced termination of pregnancy
The death of the mother that results from obstetrical complications of pregnancy, labor
Direct maternal death
A maternal death that is not directly
due to an obstetrical cause. Death results from previously existing disease or a disease developing during pregnancy,labor, or the puerperium that was aggravated by maternal
physiological adaptation to pregnancy.
Indirect maternal death
Death of a woman from direct or indirect
obstetrical causes more than 42 days but less than 1 year after the pregnancy’s end
Late maternal death
Death of the mother that results fr9m accidental or incidental causes not related to pregnancy.
Nonmaternal death
The death of a woman, from any
cause, while pregnant or within 1 calendar year of termination of pregnancy, regardless of the duration and the site of pregnancy
Pregnancy-associated death
A pregnancy-associated death that
results from: (1) complications o pregnancy itself, (2) the chain of events initiated by pregnancy that led to death, or (3) aggravation of an unrelated condition by the physiological
or pharmacological effects of pregnancy and that subsequently
caused deat
Pregnancy-related death
The number of maternal deaths that
result from the reproductive process per 100,000 live births
Maternal mortality ratio
unintended events of labor and delivery resulting in serious short- or long-term consequences to a woman.
Severe maternal morbidity
unplanned events caused by error
that do not result in patient injury but have this potential
Near misses or close calls