Chapter 1 Flashcards
Ancient Civilizations
1.1 Early Civilization
1.2 Sumerian Civilization
1.3 Babylonian Civilization
1.4 Egyptian Civilization
1.5 Greek Civilization
1.6 Roman Civilization
1.7 Chinese Civilization
cumulative inquiry into nature using the scientific method or system of verifiable concepts, methods, principles, theories, and laws that seek to understand, describe, explain, and predict nature and its phenomena.
Application of science
People who stay on the move looking for food; without a permanent home;
lived in areas with bountiful resources of food; small tribes of hunter-gatherers
Nomads’ basic needs
food, shelter, clothing
Nomads used stones for survival
hunting fish and wild animals, preparing food, making shelter, protecting
territory from invasion
The first civilization began in Mesopotamia, aka
“land between the rivers”
Meso means
Potam means
Mesopotamia was located between
Tigris Euphrates rivers.
The foundation of human civilization; Sumerians & Babylonians
Ancient Mesopotamia
Created a civilization by the development of methods and technologies in
architectures, language, agriculture, and governance
Sumerian Civilization
the first people to settle in Mesopotamia
Cities along the rivers in South
Mesopotamia in 4500 BCE
Eridu, Uruk, Ur, Larsa, Isin, Adab, Kullah, Lagash, Nippur, Kish
Considered to be the first true city in the world; no building stones were used,
lumber was limited, mud/clay from the river was added with reeds and bricks,
houses made of sun-baked bricks
City of Uruk
Cities had a corresponding king living in a ziggurat; with the temple at the top
reserved for their high priests to serve their patron gods and goddesses
Mountain of God
The Great Ziggurat of Ur
No inner chambers, a height of around 170 feet, took 12 years of excavation
The Great Ziggurat of Ur
inside structure of The Great Ziggurat of Ur
Sun-baked bricks
outside structure of The Great Ziggurat of Ur
Fired bricks
the Great Ziggurat of Ur is primarily built for her
Nanna, moon of god
Sumerian agricultural products
wheat and barley; fruits and vegetables like grapes and onions; sheep, goats, and cows
Irrigation system that brought water to farmland; controlled flooding of the
Construction of levees
- dug wide canals from rivers out to farms
- dug small ditches from canals to fields to water all the crops
- put gates on the ditches to control the amount of water
First writing system; pictures and triangular symbols; curved in mud/clay
tablets using a reed stylus
Uses of cuneiform
trading, recording goods and livestock, temple activities, businesses,
presenting stories, myths, and personal letters
Sumerian number system, base 60
Sexagesimal system
skin-float or raft made of hides stretched over wood frames and a broad;
short boat made of water-proof material; made of reeds
Uses of sailboats
to travel along the river; to carry products for trading
the 1st wheels were not used for transportation but for farm work in 2000
BC; is used for transporting agricultural products
a seed-sowing machine that could plant seeds more quickly and evenly
than sowing by hand; enabled Sumerians to dig soil land where seeds would
be planted at a faster pace; mass-produced food without taking too much
effort and time.
Reasons why Sumerians believed
that diseases were punishment
from god
committed sins, wrong-doing, actions of demons, bad spirits
sufficient magic power to fight the mystic force of disease and illness
drive away the spirits with charms and spells
How long does the Sumerian
civilization lasted
for short 2,000 years before the Babylonians took charge in 2004 BC
emerged near the Tigris and Euphrates river
Babylonian civilization
great builders, engineers, and architects
was said to be a structure made up of layers upon layers of gardens with species of plants, trees, and vines; 75 feet high; approx 8,200 gallons of water each day to keep the plants watered; no physical evidence to prove such existence; the exact location is also unknown; a mythical place
Hanging Gardens of Babylon
built the hanging gardens of Babylon for his wife, queen Amytis
King Nebuchadnezzar
babylonian civilization transpired during this age
Bronze age
bronze material; an alloy of copper and tin
Babylon was conquered by a man who turned it into a kingdom made up of
the city and a small amount of territory.
Sumu Abum
Took over the place and turned the small city into an empire
Hammurabi (First Lawgiver)