Chapter 1 Flashcards
What is IO Psychology?
the application of psychology principles and theories to the workplace.
What is the intent of IO Psychology?
- Help employers treat employees fairly
- Help make jobs more interesting and satisfying
- Help workers be more productive
Industrial psychology is associated with…
job analysis, training, selection, and performance management/appraisal
Organizational psychology is associated with
relational elements such as motivation, work attitudes, leadership, and the structure, culture, and processes of the organization
What is “treat employees fairly?”
Treat people from diverse backgrounds fairly
▫ select people for jobs
▫ provide training
▫ reward promotions/raises
▫ address harassment
What does it mean to Make jobs interesting and satisfying?
Design jobs people will find satisfying
▫ rewarding work
▫ safe, efficient work areas (Human Factors)
* Motivate employees to perform
* Create teams that work well together
▫ combine diverse talents and perspectives
What does it mean to help workers be more productive?
Design work patterns that enhance efficiency
* Provide skills training and development
* Help to meet the challenges of competition
* Move past downsizing
What do individuals refer to as the beginning of business & industrial psychology?
Dec. 20, 1901 a talk by Whilhelm Wudt and Walter Dill Scott
Who and when was the first professor of applied psychology
1916, Scott
Psychology and Industrial Efficiency was published in what year and by who?
Hugo Munsterberg, 1913
When was the first Division of Applied Psychology established?
1915, by Walter Van Dyke Bingham at Carnegie Tech (now Carnegie Mellon)
Army Alpha and Army Beta
Mental ability tests developed by I/O psychologists during World War I that were used to select and classify army personnel.
When was the Psychological Corporation founded (and what did it do)?
1921, specializing in test development and is now the Pearson publishing group
Who received the first PhD in industrial psychology?
Bruce V. Moore from Carnegie Tech in 1921
Who is the first lady of management and the mother of scientific management?
Lillian Gilbreth who received her PhD in psychology from Brown and published the book The Psychology of Management in 1914.
What are the Hawthorne Studies?
a series of experiments, some of which examined the impact of illumination on productive, conducted at the Wester Electric plan in Hawthorne, Illinois. (marked the birth of organizational psychology)
In what year did many companies like AT&T, GE, Metropolitan Life, & Standard Oil of New Jersey establish large research groups to do I/O work?
During the 1950s
In what year did Division 14 of the APA change it name?
1970 from Division of Business and Industrial Psychology to the Division of Industrial and Organizational psychology
What I/O psychologists do?
Private organizations
Military/government organizations
What is SIOP’s motto?
Science for a Smarter Workplace
What is performance management?
developing measures of performance and using these measures to improve performance (primary area of I/O psychologists in the workplace)
What is selection?
development and administration of tests used for employee hiring (2nd area of emphasis for I/O psychologists)
What is the third area in which many I/O psychologists work?
training and development - training programs to teach new employees how to do their jobs and others how to do new jobs with new equipment
What is quality of work life?
measurement and improvement of job-related attitudes, such as job satisfaction and organizational commitment (fourth area of emphasis)
What is organizational development (OD)?
analyzing organizational structures, cultures, and climates and developing interventions appropriate for a particular organization that might make the organization run more effectively
Applied Psychology is first introduced
Hawthorne Studies at Western Electric
Social/psychological work conditions
Industrial psychology used for US Army tests
First PhD in Industrial psychology
Scientific Management (Taylorism)
Adding “Organizational” Psychology to I/O
I/O becomes Division 14 of APA
Rapid international growth of I/O
Increase in Virtual and Global Workplaces
Takeaways from the Hawthorne studies
- Employee productivity can be influenced by
social and psychological factors, in addition to
physical and environmental - Employee attitudes and perceptions are
important to consider in organizational research
and management
What are I/O’s challenges for the 21st century?
Global talent competition
Flatter organizational structure
Greater diversity in the workplace; DE&I
Technology-related changes (e.g., virtual teams,
* Others…