Chapter 1 Flashcards
What is another way of stating the major goal in the study of public finance?
Another way of stating the major goal is to understand the impact of government expenditures, regulations, taxes, and borrowing on incentives to work, invest, and spend income.
What is the main controversy regarding the role of government in any society?
The main controversy is whether government does too much or needs to do more.
How has the government scope changed over time in modern industrial nations?
The government scope has grown significantly from a small share of the economy in the early 1900s to between 30-50 percent today
What is the definition of public finance?
Public finance is the field of economics that studies government activities and alternative means of financing those activities.
What is the major goal in the study of public finance?
The major goal is to understand the economic basis of government activities and analyze the costs and benefits of allocating resources to government use as opposed to allowing private enterprises and households to use thoseresources.
What are the resources that the government needs to provide goods and services?
The resources are labor, land, equipment, buildings, and raw materials.
What are some examples of goods and services that the government provides to citizens?
Some examples are roads, national defense, police and fire protection, social security pensions, primary and secondary schooling, transfer payments to the poor, and university education.
What is the meaning of non-excludability in the context of public goods?
Non-excludability means that the goods and services are shared by all citizens and free of charge. No one can be excluded from enjoying their benefits when they are provided.
What is the difference between price rationing and nonmarket-rationing?
Price rationing means that the allocation of goods and services is determined by the market forces of supply and demand. Nonmarket-rationing means that the allocation of goods and services is determined by other criteria, such as need, merit,oreligibility.
What is the real cost of government provision of goods and services?
The value of private goods and services that must be sacrificed when resources are transferred to government use (i.e direct opportunity cost).
How is the trade-off between government goods and services and private goods and services illustrated?
With the familiar production-possibility curve.
How do taxes affect our choices as individuals?
Taxes affect the prices of goods and services (thus affect our consumption choices), as well as our incentive to work/leisure and save(invest)/consume.
What is the term for the distortion in resource use and loss in output that results from the effect of taxes on incentives?
The term is deadweightloss.
What is the main difference between a mixed economy and a pure-market economy in terms of government involvement?
In a mixed economy, the government supplies some goods and services and regulates private economic activity. In a pure-market economy, the government has no role in providing or regulating any goods and services.
What is the main advantage of a pure-market economy over a mixed economy in terms of individual choice?
In a pure-market economy, individuals can purchase goods and services freely, according to their tastes and economic capacity, given the market-determined prices. In a mixed economy, political decisions can force citizens to finance government services regardless of their personal preferences.
What is the main disadvantage of a pure-market economy over a mixed economy in terms of social welfare?
In a pure-market economy, there is no provision of public goods or services that benefit the society as a whole, such as national defense, education, health care, etc. In a mixed economy, the government can provide these goods or services through taxation and expenditure.
What is an example of a country that has a mixed economy today?
The USA and almost all other nations today have mixedeconomies.
What are some key characteristics of a mixed economy?
Some key characteristics of a mixed economy include government supplying goods and services, government regulation of private economic activity, and a specific range of government expenditure as a percentage of GDP.