Chapter 1 Flashcards
What is the very important change or the “most important”?
A swedish journalist who saw globalization as “the process of a world shrinkage, of distance getting shorter, things moving closer.” It pertains the increasing ease with each somebody on the side of the world can interact, to mutual benefits of somebody on the other side of the world.
Thomas Larsson
The third president of the TWN in Malaysia, once regarded globalization as colonization.
Martin Khor
Globalization means the onset of the borderless world.
Example of broad and inclusive type of definition
Definition that is better justified but can be limiting, in the sense that their application can adhere to only one particular definition.
Narrow and exclusive
Two definitions of globalization based on literature.
- broad and inclusive
- Narrow and exclusive
Who said that globalization could bring either or both integration or fragmentation
Who wrote the definition that suggests the perspective of the author on the origins and the geopolitical implications of globalization.
Who said that globalization is a debate and a debate is a globalization. One become part and parcel of the other.
Cesare Poppi
Ritzer said on what article that “attitude towards globalization depends on the other thing whether one gains or loses it.
The Globalization of Nothing
It refers to the barriers that prevent or make difficult the movement of things.
Example of Man-made barrier.
Great wall of china and berlinwall
Example of modern man made
Nine-dash line
It refers to the increasing ease of movement of people, things, information, and place in the contemporary world.
Who have much to say about the characteristics of liquid?
Zygmunt Bauman
What are the crucial elements of globalization?
Time and space
Another characteristics of liquid phenomenon
Their movement is difficult to stop
Important characteristic of liquid
Tends to melt whatever stands in its path(especially solid)”
What are the two that in constant interaction.
Solid and Liquid
What is the one increasing and proliferating today?
What is the metaphor that could best describe the Globalization?
The literature in globalization makes use of the concept of what?
Movement of people, things, places, and information brought by the growing “porosity” of global limitations.
Give an example of other kinds of flow that can be observed today:
- poor illegal migrants flooding many parts of the world
- the virtual flow of legal and illegal information such as blogs and child pornography
- respectively
- immigrants recreating ethnic enclaves in host countries
It refers to the increasing sameness in the world as cultural inputs, economic factors, and political orientations of societies expand to create common practices, same economies and similar forms of government.
Homogeneity in culture is often link to what?
This means that a given culture influences other cultures.
Cultural Imperialism
What is the product of Homogeneity in economic globalization?
Global economic crises
This means only one political orientation is growing in today’s society.
It is often characterized as media imperialism.
Global flow of media
Undermines the existence of the alternative global media originating from developing countries.
Media imperialism
This can be seen as an arena for alternative media.
This denies the agency of viewers, but people around world often interpret the same medium (e.g., movie) in significantly different ways.
Cultural Imperialism
It was dominated by a small number of large corporations.
Global media
Who said “extended from old media to new media”
What are these composition of new media:
Facebook, Microsoft, google, Twitter, Apple’s iTune
What helps to counter the trend of internet that could end up being less diverse competitive, and associated with the alter-globalization. It disseminats information to facilitate global participation of activist.
Independent Media Center
What did Haktivist do to extend activism to the internet to promote a particular cause?
by hacking into computer programs
It is the process by which Western society are dominated by the principles of fast food restaurants.
McDonaldization involves the global spread of rational system:
efficiency, calculability, predictability, and control
Globalization can aslo be seen as a flow of “_____” as opposed to “______”, involving the spread of non-places, non-things, non-people, and non services.
Nothing to something
It pertains the creation of various cultural practices, new economies, and political groups because of the interaction of elements from different societies in the world.
Heterogeneity in culture is associated with _____.
Cultural Hybridization
Global forces interact with local factors or a specific geographic area, the glocal is being produced.
The alternate of McWorld. It refers to the political groups that are engaged in an “intensification of nationalism and that leads to greater political Heterogeneity through out the world.
Emphasis the fact that cultures are essentially different and are only superficially affected by global flows.
Cultural Differentialism
The interaction of cultures is
catastrophic collision
Samuel Huntington’s Theory
The clash of civilizations
Emphasis the integration of local and global cultures.
Cultural hybridization
This pproach stresses homogeneity introduced by globalization.
Cultural Convergence
One important critique of cultural imperialism.
John Tomlinson’s idea of “deterritorialization” of culture
This means that it is much more difficult to the culture to a specific geographic point of origin.
Global flows involved people, technology, finance, political images, and media and the disjuncture between them, which lead to the creation of cultural hybrids.
Arjun Appadurai’s “Scape”
Religionist rely on the dissemination of their religious ideas.
IT, transportation means, media
Muslims aspire to establish this community of believers.
Islamic Ummah
He approved the idea of de-hybridizing effects of religion. Maintains that such de-hybridizing upshots spring also from the religious partitioning and clashes.
Samuel Huntington’s clash of civilizations
It reveals that majority of European consider that globalization brings negative effects to their societies.
Financial Times
This can counter the threats of an “ungoverned globalization”, it refers to “all attempts to make globalization more palatable to citizen”.
Managed globalization
Regional developments in one part of the world have affected the fueled regionalization everywhere else in a sort of what?
Contagion or Domino Effect
What are the four aspects of globalization?
trade, missionary work, adventures and conquest
The difference of this view from the second view.
Epochs of globalization is also called what.
What are the sequential occurrence of the epochs?
- Globalization of religion
- European colonial conquest
- Intra-European wars
- Heyday of European imperialism
- Post-World War 11 period
- Post-Cold War period
It considered the rampage of the armies of Genghis Khan into Eastern Europe.
What are the three notable changes the origin of globalization today:
- The emergence of the United States as the global power (Post-World War)
- The emergence of multinational corporations (MNCs)
- The demise of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War
This paved way to so called __________ where many global process spread through the world.
Free world
Becoming major force in global capitalism.
It is a singular historical period during which mortality and fertility rates decline from high to low levels in a particular country or region.
Demographic transition
Urges of people toward a better life:
Commerce, religion, politics, warfare
A great increase in dependency ratio was caused by what?
- the decline in infant and child mortality
- high levels of fertility
Dependency ratio started to disappear because of what?
the decline in global birth rate
What cause a rise in dependency ratio?
the aging of populations
Categories of Migrants
Vagabonds and tourist
“Because they have to be”
“Because that want to be and they can afford it”
Refugees who seek to remain in the country to which they flee.
Asylum seekers
Who said that those who migrate to find work are involved in labor migration.
Labor migration is driven by what factors
push factors and pull factors
Difference between push and pull factors
push is lack of employment opportunities in home countries; pull is work available elsewhere
Who said that the state may seek to control migration because it involves the loss of part of the workforce.
Examples of push factors that governs the migration: how about pull factors?
- political persecution, economic depression, war, and famine in home country
- favorable immigration policy, a labor shortage, and a similarity of language and culture in the country of destination
Countries that face illegal immigration
US, Great Britain, Switzerland, and Greece
Based on him, the Philippines is one of the leaders when it comes to the flow of remittances, next to India and China.
Used to describe migrant communities.
Utilize technology such as internet to maintain the community network.
Virtual Diaporas
Types of Globalization
Political, Cultural, Economic, Financial, Sociological, Technological, Geographical, Ecological
Why state control the migration?
- it involves the loss of part of the workforce
- influx of migrants can lead to conflicts with local residents
- concerns about terrorism to restrict population grows
What are the perspective of global cultural flow?
Differentialism, Hybridization, Convergence