Chapter 1 Flashcards
A Chinese Philosopher who is mention in the first surviving principles behind the pinhole camera or camera obscura.
Mozi “Mo-ti”
He was the one who succeeded in recording the principle that light entering through a small hole produces an inverted image or figure
He used the pinhole camera or camera obscura to observe the solar eclipse entering a darkroom to avoid harming the eye
Alhazen Ibn Al Haytham
He introduced the use of the lens in the camera
Daniele Matteo Alvise Barbaro
He defended his theory by allowing a white light to pass through a prism thus refracting and diffracting the light onto different colors
Sir Isaac Newton
He discovered the Silver Nitrate that is sensitive to light and capable to produce images
Johann Heinrich Schulze
He made use of the Camera Obscura and replaced the hole with a lens which made the image brighter and sharper.
Jean Baptiste Forta
He discovered that Silver Chloride is more sensitive than silver nitrate
Thomas Wedgwood
He invented a photographic process which he called heliography
Joseph Nicéphore Niépce
He coined the term photographie
Hercules Florence
He invented Daguerreotype, an early photograph produced on a silver or silver covered copper plate
Louis Jacques Daguerre
He succeeded in contact printings made in his miniature cameras (mouse trap cameras) a process called Calotype
William Henry Fox Talbot
He made improvements in photographic processes, particularly inventing the Cyanotype. He is also considered as Father of Photography
John Frederick William Herschel
He is the reason why Photography arrived in the US to spread the news
Samuel Finley Breese Morse
He introduced a process of negatives on glass using albumen as a binding medium
Abel Niepce De Saint Vector
He introduced a printing paper coated with albumen to achieve a glossy surface
Louis Desire Blanquart Evrard
The one who developed stereoscopic photography
Sir David Brewster
He invented the photographic collodion process which preceded the modern gelatin emulsion
Frederick Scott Archer
He popularized the small cheap portrait
Andre Adolphe Eugene Disderi
He first constructed an enlarger became model for a number of cameras
David A. Woodward
He took the first aerial photograph of Paris from a free balloon 1858
Gaspard Felix Tournachon AKA Nadar
He is considered as Father of Photojournalism
Mathew B. Brady
He produced the earliest color photograph, and credited as the founder of the theory of additive color
James Clerk Maxwell
He made an apparatus for enlarging by electric light and showed it to the Paris Photographic Society in 1861
Louis Jules Duboscq
He first advocated the use of photography for the identification of criminals and the documentation of evidence and crime scenes
He discovered the use of Hydroquinone as a developing agent in 1880
William de Wiveleslie Abney
He successfully introduced the plate with gelatine. The roll film came and new brands of cameras with different lenses and mechanism were placed in the market
Richard Leach Maddox
He marketed the first negative film to use celluloid, transparent and flexible as the support for his gelatine emulsion
John Carbutt
He discovered x-ray photography which later became the basis of Radiograph.
Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen
He founded the Eastman Kodak company and invented roll film, helping bring photography to the maintstream
George Eastman
He contributed heavily to the use of photography in forensic science and established the world’s earliest crime laboratory.
Dr. Rudolphe Archibald Reiss
For his method of reproducing colors photographically, he based it on the phenomenon of interference also known as Lippmann Plate
Jonas Ferdinand Gabriel Lippmann
He developed a method of photographic comparison of bullets and cartridge cases
Victor Baltazard
He introduced the Polaroid one step photography
Edwin H. Land
He invented the LASER, making holography possible in 1947
Dennis Gabor
He developed the first prototype for digital camera
Steven J. Sasson
He developed the first prototype for digital camera
Steven J. Sasson