Chapter 1 Flashcards
Space that exists between lips or cheeks and the teeth
Area surrounded by the teeth back to the palatine tonsils
Floor of the mouth, hard and soft palates
Oral cavity proper
Gum tissue that surrounds the teeth and alveolar bone
Bone that forms the sockets for the teeth
Alveolar bone
Projection of gingiva between the teeth
Interdental papilla
Transitional zone of reddish tissue between the dry skin of the face and moist mucosa of the oral cavity
Vermilion zone
Outlines the vermilion zone (cold sores, herpesvirus,commonly appear along this border)
Vermilion border
Small depression at the midline of the upper lip (cleft lip)
Fold of connective tissue attached to the upper alveolar mucosa, more pronounced than lower frenum
Maxillary labial frenum
Space between teeth
Could cause gingival recession by pulling down on the tissue when the lip is tensed
Mandibular labial frenum
Loosely adherent connective tissue of the inner cheeks
Buccal mucosa
Fold in the vestibule where the labial or buccal mucosa meets the alveolar mucosa
Mucobuccal fold
Border between the alveolar mucosa and attached gingiva
Mucogingival junction
Gingiva that tightly adheres to the bone over the roots of the teeth
Attached gingiva
Anterior portion of the palate that has transverse ridges, shape/ size vary from individual, could be wide or narrow, high vault or flat
Hard palate
Budge of tissue at the midline behind max central incisors
Incisive papilla
Ridges of epithelial and connective tissue and covered by keratinized epithelium
Excessive bone growth can occur in the midline of the hard palate
Posterior non bony portion of the palate that stretches back from the hard palate
Soft palate
Midline muscular structure that hangs from most posterior portion which aids in speech and swallowing
The teeth and mucosa confines the lateral boarders of the oral cavity proper
Lateral borders
Bounded by tonsils and pillars
Posterior lateral
Small elevation of tissue posterior to the mandibular third molar
Retromolar pad
Space between left and right tonsils, ask client to say “ahh” allows you see
Some bony swelling on the lingual surface of the mandible at the canine
Mandibular tori
Small elevations on each of the base of the lingual frenum where the sublingual and submandibular ducts open
Sublingual caruncle
Extending from the sublingual caruncle back along the floor of the mouth on wither side
Sublingual fold