chapter 1 Flashcards
what are the 6 categories in the competitive category spectrum?
Classic bodybuilding
body building
The appearance of one’s physique being x-shaped due to having a small waist, wide shoulders, and sweeping quadriceps. Having an x-frame is a large part of symmetry.
Reciprocal inhibition
When an agonist contracts, its functional antagonist relaxes to allow movement to occur at a joint.
Eccentric muscle action
Occurs when a muscle generates force while lengthening to decelerate an external load.
Concentric muscle action
Occurs when a muscle generates force while shortening to accelerate an external load.
Isometric muscle action
Occurs when a muscle generates force equal to an external load to hold it in place.
Isolated muscle function
The joint motion created when a muscle contracts concentrically.
Integrated muscle function
The joint motion(s) created when a muscle contracts eccentrically or isometrically.