Chapter 1 Flashcards
what can mechanica kinesiology be divided into
2 of them
- structural kinesiology: internal persepctive
- biomechanics: External perspective
biomechanics divdied into…
2 of them
statics: study of properties of systems that are in equilibirum
dynamics: study of properties of a system that are in motion
dynamics can be divided into…
2 of them
- kinetics: forces acting on an object
- kinematics: description of motion of an object
what is considered in a kinetic situaiton
- stress: application of a force to an object
- strain: development of internal forces within an object
application of biomechanics
4 of them
- basic human movement
- daily living tasks
- goal oriented movement
- adapted human movement
common research topics
3 of them
- optimum technique
- stress
- equipment design
what does an electrogoniometry measure
kinetics or kinematics?
angular position and ROM
what does video analysis measure?
kinetics or kinematics?
- measures angular position and ROM
- kinematics
what do accelerometers meausre?
kinetics or kinematics?
- measure accelerations
- kinematics
what does a force tranducer measure?
kinetics or kinematics?
- measures 1-D forces
- kinetics
what does a force platform measure?
kinetics or kinematics?
- meausres 3-D forces
- kinetics
what does electromyography measure?
kinetics or kinematics?
- measures electrical activity of muscle
- kinetics
what does a dynamometer meausre?
kinetics or kinematics?
- meausres grip strength
- kinetics
what can you compare when investigating optimal technique?
- mechanics btwn elite and low level performer
- normal condition and pathological condition
what must you analyise when investigating optimal techique
4 of them
- force or force patterns
- kinematic patterns
- timing and sequence of activity patterns
- economy and efficiency of movement