chapter 1 Flashcards
physical dimension of wellness
overall condition and absence of disease
emotional dimension of wellness
ability to understand and deal with your feelings
intellectual dimension of wellness
always change their minds, active mind can detect problems, find solutions and direct behavior
interpersonal dimension of wellness
ability to develop and maintain satisfying and supportive relationships
spiritual dimension of wellness
set of guiding beliefs, principles, or values that give purpose to life
environmental dimension of wellness
livability of your surroundings
cultural dimension of wellness
creating relationships with those different from you, embracing your own cultural identity, avoiding stereotypes
financial dimension of wellness
have a basic understanding of how money works, avoid debt
occupational wellness
enjoy what you do, having a healthy relationship with coworkerse
overall condition of the mind or body and the absence of illness or injury
optimal health and vitality encompassing all the dimensions of wellness
life expectancy
doubled since 1850, but slowed in 2015 due to obesity and poor eating habits
Lifestyle choices
a conscious decision that either increases or decreases a person’s risk for disease or injury
what behaviors contributes to wellness
physical activity, healthy diet, healthy body weight, manage stress, avoid tobacco and drug use, limit alcohol, protect from disease and injury
behavior change
a lifestyle management process that involves cultivating healthy behaviors and overcoming unhealthy ones
strategies for change
examine, choose, learn about, find
target behavior
isolating behavior selected as the object of a behavior change
motivation for change
pros and cons, self-efficacy, identify and overcome barriers
your belief in your ability to take action and perform an certain task
locus of control
source of responsibility for events in your life
pros and cons
short term vs. long term benefits, benefits must outweigh the cost
stages of change
precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance, termination
more reasons not to change than to change
identified the problem and intend to take action within the next 6 months
plan to take action within a month or have begun with small changes
modify behavior- at risk of reverting back
maintaining new healthy lifestyle
excited the cycle of change and no longer tempted
dealing with relapse
forgive yourself, give yourself credit for more progress made, move on
creating a change plan
- monitor behavior
- analyze data and identify patterns
- SMART goal
- devise a plan of action
- make a personal contract
SMART goal
specific, manageable, attainable, realistic, time
plan of action
- get what you need
- modify environment
- control related habits
- reward yourself
- involve people around you
- make a personal contract