Chapter 1 Flashcards
The Neolithic revolution
- begin ten thousand in near east
Included invention of agriculture, and domestication of animals - developed polished stone tools
- resulted in more organized and complex societies
Catal Huyuk and Jericho and jarmo are most remembered
As cities of primitive cities
In the first civilization, religion
Justified the law and the power of rulers
In addition to it positive features , civilization had a dark side that included
- Increased epidemic diseases
- Inadequate sewage system
- More destructive warfare
- Slavery
Which provided the basis for Mesopotamian Civilization?
In Mesopotamia, temple priests
Collected rents, operated businesses, and received contributions for festivals
The Epic of Gilgamesh explores
the human protest against death
The code of Hammurabi employs which of the following principles?
Punishment depended on the status of both victim and the perpetrator
Mesopotamian advances in mathematics included
- Multiplication and division tables
Division of circles 360
Basis for the Pythagorean theorem and for quadratic equation
The ability to calculate the area of right triangles and rectangles
Mesopotamian astronomy
Was used mainly to determine the will of the gods
What’s the role of the Nile in Egyptian civilization?
The predictability of the Nile and the Abundant natural resources it delivered gave Egypt an unusual sense of security and stability
the old kingdom, Middle Kingdom, and the new kingdom periods of Egyptian history
Were separated by two intermediate periods, each growing power of nobility brought instability with foreign invasion, an additional factor in the Second intermediate Period
In Egypt, the Qualities of truth and justice
Were associated with the universal, divinely ordained order of Ma’at
Akhenaton’s Monotheism
- viewed as the vision of a great prophet who replaced traditional s with a single god , Aton, depicted as the sun disk
- continuing controversy among historians
- little impact on the Egyptian population and was quickly eliminated after Akhenaton’s death
- Intended to stem the growing power of Egypt’s priests
What’s true about the Hittite empire
the Hittites possessed a well-trained army of light horse drawn chariots and well armed foot soldiers
First alphabet was devised by the
which group built an empire base on all consuming concern for war and the use of terror?
The Chaldean empire reached its height under the rule of
Zoroastrianism is best described as
The Persian religion that stressed ethics: Envisioned battle between good and evil, and promised eternity in the paradise to those who chose good and eternal torment to those who chose evil
The mythmaking mind of ancient near east
had no conception of natural causes or natural law
Relating to making of myths, causing, producing
Related to the stone age lasting about 2.5 million years
Monotheistic pre islamaic religion of ancient Persia founded by Zoroaster`
Neolithic revolution
Radical and important period of change in which humans began cultivating plants, and breading animals
A hypothetical prehistoric population of Eurasia who spoke Prot Indo
The stage of human social and cultural development
The 5 pharaoh of the eighteenth dynasty of Egypt, second historically female pharaoh
Region of Western Asia situated within the Tigris and Euphrates river system
Goddess of truth, justice, balance and order
Relating to the wedge shaped characters used in the ancient writing systems of Mesopotamia on clay tablets
Writing consisting of symbols / Incomprehensible symbols or writing
Rectangular stepped tower, surmounted by a temple , (Towel of Babel)
Country linking northeast Africa with the middle east
Code of Hammurabi
A Babylonian legal text composed , best preserved legal text from ancient near east
New religion he created that centered on the Aten , came to power as the Pharaoh of edypt
Near east
Region in western Asia, Historical Fertile Crescent takes up Egypt and Turkey