Chapter 1 Flashcards
Life Safety
Incident Stabilization
Property Conservation
Immediately dangerous to life and health
National Fire Protection Association
Authority having jurisdiction
Chain of command (NHFD)
Fire Chief Assistant Chief Deupty Chief Batallion Chief Captains Lieutenants Firefighters
What is the purpose of the chain of command?
Formal line of authorrity
Unity of command
Each employee reports to one supervisor
Span of control
3-7, optimal is 5
What kind of department is Newhaven?
Career/ public department
Engine company duties
- Fire supression
- may also include search and rescue, extrication, ventilation, and ems
Truck (ladder) company duties
- Forcible entry
- S&R
- Ventilation
- Salavage
- Overhual
- Utility control
Rescue company duties
- S&R
- may serve as rapid intervention team
Brush company
Provides ground cover and protects property near feilds and woods
Mitigates hazmat materials incidents
Prehospital emergency medical care