Chapter 1 Flashcards
The process of information exchange
The process of exchanging information through a speakr’s ideas, thoughts, feelings, needs and desires
The production of sound
The verbal means of communicating through articulation
Meaning conveyed by words, sentences and longer utterances
The way that words and smaller units can be combined to form other words (go + ing= going)
The way that sounds are combined to form words ( c + a + t = cat)
The word combination used to expressed meaning in sentence structures ( I + see+ a+ bird)
The way words correspond to things and events in the world and how language reflects a speakers intent or feeling
The information transmitted by the sender
The comprehension and the understanding of the information by the receiver
Municative competence
The ability to communicate a message successfully and to understand the concept being communicated
Linguistic competence
mastery of the grammatical rules of a language language
The ability to create accurate sentences in a language
Receptive language
The ability to understand others
Expressive language
The ability to express and share thoughts, ideas and feelings
A communicative tool that involves duration (lenght), intensity (loudness) and frequency (pitch) when producing words or longer utterance
Paralinguistics cues
They accompany spoken langague and often help the listener better understand a speaker’s meaning
The larynx
A muscular organ that contains the vocal cords and folds
How are the vocal cords stimulated
By respiration
Smallest units of sound that create difference in meaning
Rhotic Diphthongs
Phonemes that are a combination of a vowel
Describes the symbols or alphabet latters (graphemes)
is the smallest functional unit of a writing system.
How are voiced sound produce?
When the vocal folds are adducted
When the vocal folds are brought together
Vocal folds closed
Vocal folds open
How are unvoiced sound produced?
When the vocal folds are abduted (open)
How are consonant sound produced ? Non nasal
Are produced with the velum raised so the air exits the mouth or oral cavity
How are nasal consonant produced?
With the airstream exiting through the nose
Phonological processes
Describe children’s early production of words
Auditory interpretation
Used to describe the nature of language
Description of a language with the respect to its components
What are the components of language
Form, content, and use
Components of a basic syntactic structure
Noun phrase and verb phrase
Main verb
Describe an action
Auxiliary verb
Provides information that clarifies meaning
Modal auxiliary verbs
Express mood
Prepositional pharases
Indicate place
When do children start to produce words
Single word hy 12 months and combination of words by 18 months
syntatic development
When children produce sentences with increased lenght and complexity
Free morphemes
Those that have meaning by themselves
Bound morphemes
Occur only in combination with free morphemes
Inflectional merphemes
Modify verb tense or indicate noun numbers
Deribational morphemes
Involve a prefix or suffix
Grammatical morphemes
are those bits of linguistic sound which mark the grammatical categories of language (Tense, Number, Gender, Aspect),
Consist of conjunctions, articles and preposition
Conceptual knowledge
What a child knows and undestands about ideas, entities and actions
Conceptual Knowledge refers to the knowledge of, or understanding of concepts, principles, theories, models, classifications, etc.
Young children use the perceptual characteristis of entities to extend the meaning beyong that entity
Children may have Limited representation of an entity or a thing and viewing a word to have a very restricted meaning.
Appropriate use of languague in social interaction, along with rules govern interaction with others
Pragmatic language rules
The effective and appropriate use of language to acomplish social goals, manage turns and topic in conversation
Theory of mind (TOM)
Allows to understand others internal thoughts and emotions
Speech act
Labels a speaker’s intent or meaning when she or he produces a sentance in social interaction
When do children start using modal auxiliaries verbs?
Is a mental mechanism that allows a child to achieve cognitive skills
The ability to focus on the essential factor in a specific context or task, along with the ability ti ignore distractions and irrelevant information
Working memory
The ability to store information encountered in a current experience
Social cognition
Is a cognitive process that allows children to recognize and understand social signals.
Allows us to determine what information is already known by the listener, what i formation is needed, and what possible misundertanding may occur.
It allows to see things from others point of view
Executive funtion
The cognition abilities used to control and to coordinate information for planning goals, controlling responses, shifting between tasks and keeping information in the mind to guide future actions
Consist on a child’s self-knowledge of his or her own language and thought process. It refers to the metal process used to plan, monitor and analyze one’s thinking and behavior
Metalingusitics abilities
Involve the ability to think overtly about language, manupulate the structural featured of language at the phoneme, word or sentence level
Verbal reasoning
Consist of the ability to make inferences about new experiences, tranfer what has been learned across different experiences and relevant information when making comparisons
Analogical reasoning
Allows children to notice conrrespondeces and make inferences about similar facts or experiences across contexts
Is a variation of a particular language that is distinguished by phonology, grammar or vocabulary
communicative competence
How use our knowledge of language in communication
Semantic knowledge
is the knowledge that one gets from life’s experience. This knowledge is not tied down to a specific concept. In simple words, just knowledge in general.