chapter 1 Flashcards
absolute distance
a method of distance measurement using the straight line mileage between two places
absolute location
dictates where each places exists on a reference system
indicates ease of movement between places
activity space
a functional region in which individual activities occur
aggregate characteristics
the dominant characteristics found within a place
a line that distinguishes the area within the region from the area outside the region
choropleth map
a map showing quantity or type of phenomena by area uses shades or colors to show class intervals and often used for maps displaying density
class intervals
groupings of data assigned different shades or colors
distribution in which data show distinct pockets of concentration
discipline that is in some way affiliated with a branch of human geo
cognitive distance
a measure of distance based on perceived distance, rather than physical distance
continuous data
data that occur everywhere, beyond observations
relationship between spatial distributions of two or more phenomena that tend to vary in the same way
established set of conditions that helps categorize and compare info
frequency in which something occurs
always resulting in a particular pattern
far apart
a factor that heavily influences spatial interactions and can be measure in several ways
distance decay
as the distance between two places increases, the volume of interaction between these places decreases
the spatial arrangement of a phenomenon
euclidean space
a measure of space in which space operates as an area in which activities take place; aka absolute space
flow map
a type of map used to depict the interaction between two places
formal regions
places that have one or more characteristics in common
friction of distance
the amount of time it takes to get from one places to anoter
functional regions
regions constructed out of places that interact
why did the town start here? gold, farmland, etc.
geographical coordinate system
a type of reference system in which each place is given a unique value based on its latitude and longitude