Chapter 1 Flashcards
Collaborate with classroom teachers & PE colleagues
I establish a relationship with the classroom teachers of my students as the year begins.
When applicable align vocabulary words and skill cues around the gymnasium with classroom instruction.
After establishing a relationship with the classroom teacher something I established during my student teaching placement was providing P.A. or Nutrition reminders in student agenda’s
Example - Mr. Vekich gave us the reminder that 20 knee pushups a night is great for physical strength and health.
To collaborate with members of the PE department I may recommend forming a Community of Practice to discuss teaching strategies curriculum & content, as well as attend Professional Development opportunities together.
Traditional ———> Skilled approach
The new skilled approach to P.E. is a student centered approach where physical educators use differentiated instruction and individual feedback for various learning needs.
Additionally along with having the knowledge skills and abilities to complete objectives in class, the skilled approach requires teachers to teach students the skills to manage their physical health individually as they progress through each grade level.
Lessons & assessments will be as authentic as possible.
Importance of a written curriculum ?
The written physical education curriculum identifies the content to be taught at all grade levels
from kindergarten through grade 12.
It includes the national and/or state physical education
standards, learning objectives for students to meet, and units and lessons that teachers are to
Within the units and lessons, student learning objectives guide activities that are
related directly to the identified objectives, defining instructional practices that maximize
physical activity during lessons and keep students moderately to vigorously physically active for
at least 50 percent of class time.
Contains - Assignments and projects given to students are included in a curriculum, along with a listing of
books and materials related to learning activities. Tests, assessments and any other methods
used to evaluate student learning and performance are included and related directly to the
identified learning objectives of each lesson.
A scope and sequence document is another
resource included in the curriculum. The scope is the clearly defined set of learning objectives
from grades K-12, across the continuum. The sequence is the order in which these learning
objectives are taught. Together, the scope and sequence clearly articulate the spiraling skill
development expected of students, building on prior learning and incorporating increasingly
complex skill development and use.
Strategies to engage students who are resistant to participating in physical education ?
Introducing activities that student can engage in outside of school, within their community.
Activities that have authentic application to their lives.
Teaching students strategies on self correction during skill development.
For example - throwing at targets.
When you finished your throw did you follow through and point at your target?
Did you step with the opposite foot?
Before throwing did you point at the target with your opposite hand ?
Teaching peer coaching strategies for appropriate feedback & encouragement.
You did a great job, here is something I noticed that could make you even more successful in the task!
Remind students of how the activity is beneficial to them overall. Referencing physical literacy.
Communicate w Parents
I establish communication and a relationship at the beginning of the school year through the parents’ preferred method of communication.
I communicate when a student’s behavior or academic performance becomes alarming in a negative fashion, but also when a student is trying really hard and having success or is a positive influence in the classroom.
Describe the Components of your lesson plans and how each segment helps student meet the identified learning outcomes ?
Warmup - Each lesson plan will begin with a warm up that ensures students are physically prepared to participate in PA safely
Each lesson will be aligned with NYS and National PE standards.
Address multiple curricular strands & Take into account safety considerations for the specific lesson.
Main activities - created using curricular focal points from the NYS Guidance Document.
For example for students grades in 5th grade
Given in Fifth Grade - Benchmarks
A- Demonstrate and develop health related fitness.
B- Understands the principles, components and practices related to health related fitness.
Benchmark A Assessment- PACER test- Students will complete a pre-test in the beginning of
the year and set individual goals to improve their cardiovascular fitness by the end of the year
when the PACER will be post tested.
Benchmark B Assessment-Multiple choice assessment on health related fitness principles
included in assessment section of this document.
Moving forward each lesson will have objectives in the psychomotor, cognitive, and affective domains along with assessment tools that leads towards being able to complete the benchmarks.
Concluding each lesson there will be a closure segment where the PE teacher takes the opportunity to assess the content of the lesson.
I like using an exit slip, or demonstration of a skill. I will use the student performance on the exit slip to determine instructional decisions moving forward.
Main activities in the lesson are created using curricular focal points from the NYS Guidance Document.
NYS Standards
Standard 1- Personal Health and Fitness – Students will have the necessary knowledge and skills to establish and maintain physical fitness, participate in physical activity, and maintain personal health.
1a. Students will perform basic motor and manipulative skills. Students will attain competency in a variety of motor and sports activities
1b. Students will design personal fitness programs to improve cardiorespiratory endurance, flexibility, muscular strength, endurance, and body composition
Standard 2- A Safe and Healthy Environment - Students will acquire the knowledge and ability necessary to create and maintain a safe and healthy environment.
2a. Students will demonstrate responsible personal and social behavior while engaged in physical activity
2b. Students will understand that physical activity provides the opportunity for enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and communication
2c. Students will be able to identify safety hazards and react effectively to ensure a safe and positive experience for all participants
Standard 3- Resource Management - Students understand and be able to manage their personal and community resources
3a. Students will be aware of and able to access opportunities available to them within their community to engage in physical activity
3b. Students will be informed consumers and be able to evaluate facilities and programs
3c. Students will also be aware of career options in the field of physical fitness and sports
How do you differentiate instruction ?
I understand not all students practice the same skill in the same way.
I provide students with multiple outlets to demonstrate skills and participate in PE tailored to their characteristics or skill levels.
For students who have low physical fitness
When the class is running around cones set up around the perimeter of the gym I offer cones set up in a smaller circle.
During fitness stations I provide multiple accommodations such as knee / wall push ups.
A specific example from my time subbing at Grand Island was during the closure of a volleyball unit.
I gave students the choice to participate in a live game or they could practice bumping, setting, and serving in small groups.
For Adapted PE students at NT we set up stations where students practice table tennis skills at multiple levels.
We provided multiple stations and equipment with the hope that all students could feel competent throughout the lesson.
Stations ranged from 2 v 2 game to simply dropping their ball onto their paddle and catching it.
Incorporate technology
Virtually I have set up multiple Google classrooms.
I have created & posted multiple assignments using google forms & using screencastify recorded exactly how to navigate the google classroom & contact me with any potential questions.
I have created lesson plans that fall in line with NYS guidelines using Microsoft word & used Microsoft excel to compare student scores on pre and post assessments and identify trends in the data.
I am familiar with fitness technology such as Fitbit, Apple Watch & have used IPads or IPhone to set up checklists for observation of student performance.
How do you assessment to provide evidence that learning has occurred ?
To document the learning that occurs in my P.E. program I start each unit with a pre - assessment with learning outcomes taken from the NYS guidance document & I use curricular focal points and associated benchmarks for each grade level.
Throughout units lessons will include learning objectives in all 3 domains with formative assessments that guide instruction & allows students to see their progress.
At the close of a unit students will have a summative assessment in a format similar to the pre assessment as to provide evidence of student leaning.
Formal assessments - criterion established scoring
Informal assessments - observation
Traditional assessments - skills tests, written tests, fitness tests.
Fitness test - Fitness gram
Alternative assessments - based on observation of performance, checklists, rubrics, rating scales.
Curricular strands - NYS Guidance Document
Character Health Related Fitness Individual Enjoyment Skilled Play Life Skill Development
Provide benchmark outcomes & curricular focal points for K-12 P.E. aligned with the NYS standards.
Securing Buy-in. Principles, Teachers, Parents
To secure buy in & promote physical education at our school I will first explain the benefits of being physically educated.
Decreased Stress
Increased Confidence
Development of a beneficial hobby rather than detrimental (Participation in sports.)
Opportunity for socialization
Multiple career opportunities National Standard 6 associated with excellent performance in physical education. (Teaching, Personal Training, Coaching, Physical Therapy, Collegiate sports, Health and Wellness fields of study.)
Relation to obesity pandemic and decreased medical costs to help the overall economy.
What do the National and State Standards Address?
Motor Skill Competency
Varied Movement Forms
Understanding of Movement and Fitness
Physically Active Lifestyle
Health enhancing level of Physical Fitness
Responsible personal and social behavior in PA
Respect for Differences
Opportunities for enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and social interaction.
Accommodating ELL & Non Readers
Pair ELL students with a student who speak both the ELL’s native language & English.
Place commonly used assessment vocabulary in both English & Other languages spoken in the school on posters in the gymnasium
Offer exams in multiple formats to ensure students are assessed on P.E. Content in a manner that is fair to a student who is learning English comprehension.
Read test questions aloud *
What are the appropriate practices or best practices in physical education?
Appropriate instructional practices are those that recognize students’ development and ever-changing movement abilities, as well as their individual differences.
Physical educators use a student-centered approach that determines where students’ current
skills are at, in anticipation of developing lessons that address their developmental needs.
Teachers must plan and implement differentiated instruction that maximizes the potential for
each student to develop in all domains in a safe, motivating environment.
A teacher candidate might talk about selection of movement concepts and motor skills; cognitive development; affective development; fitness; fitness assessment; maximum participation; timeon-task; variety of movement forms; management of competition, and spiraling skill development across grade levels.