Chapter 1 Flashcards
female reproductive cell
fertilized egg cell
1st week of gestation
the blastocyst implants, to the lining of the uterus
the implanted cluster of cells
a sac of blood vessels
3rd & 4th week of gestation
a structure called the placenta forms between the bodies of the embryo and the mother
umbilical cord
a bundle of three blood vessels, and attaches the baby to the placenta
6th week of gestation
1/2 inch long, arms and hands sprout, fingers faintly visible, heart chambers, lungs, and stomach forming, ears begin to take shape, major muscle groups in place, has special skin coating to keep it from wrinkling
9th week of gestation
less than an inch long, 1/6 oz., all major organs are established, spends much time sleeping, between naps it exercises: waving and stretching arms, kicking feet, referred to as fetus
12 weeks gestation
3 inches, 1 oz, tiny face becomes more definite
4th month gestation
6 inches, 4 oz, hair grows, notices surroundings
5th month gestation
10 inches, becomes a tight fit, eye brows and eye lashes are visible
6th month gestation
can hear noises
7th month gestation
can open eyes, can control breathing and swallowing, doesn’t breath on its own
8th month gestation
fingernails finish forming, positions for birth
9th month gestation
it gets chubbier, is born
provides medical care for women during and after pregnancy
Birth to 18 months
Motor skills develop. Learns to sit, crawl, stand and walk.
18 months to 3 years
Talks in short sentences, parallel play.
3-6 years
Plays with others, increased communication.
6-12 years
Rapid mental and social growth.
Transition from childhood to adulthood.
Development when the body becomes ready to reproduce. Marks the beginning of adolescence.
Chemical “stimulators” of the endocrine system.
The study of the endocrine system.
Endocrine glands
Ductless glands of the endocrine system.
Works closely with the nervous system to communicate with parts of the body.
Pituitary Gland
“master gland” affects all other endocrine glands
Part of the brain that controls the bodys automatic activities and physical effects of your emotions.
Growth hormone regulates over all growth rate.
Secreted by pituitary gland.
Antidiuretic Hormone
Regulates blood pressure and water balance. Secreted by pituitary gland.
Thyroid Gland
Front of the neck. Regulates metabolism.
Produced by thyroid. Regulates speed of body functions.
Parathyroid Glands
Two on each back side of the thyroid. Regulates calcium in the blood.
Adrenal Gland
One on top of each kidney. Two parts.
Adrenal Cortex
Thick outer part of the adrenal gland. Secrets steroid hormones
Adrenal Medulla
Small inner part of the adrenal gland
“adrenaline” emergency action hormone
Stimulates kidneys to conserve sodium and excrete potassium. Helps regulate water balance. Produced by Adrenal Gland
Hormone stimulates the body to repair itself. Produced by the Adrenal Gland
Organ behind the stomach. Helps regulate blood sugar.
Islets of Langerhans
Small clusters of cells in the pancreas that secrete hormones.
Hormone stimulates liver and muscles to remove glucose from the blood and store it as glycogen. Produced in pancreas.
A type of starch.
Stimulates the liver to convert glycogen into glucose and release it into the blood stream. Produced in pancreas.
Reproductive glands. Produce hormones that stimulate development of sex organs and produce body changes.
Male reproductive glands.
Female reproductive glands.
Hormone produced by the ovaries. Production is stimulated by the pituitary gland
Hormone produced by the testes. Production is stimulated by the pituitary gland.
Pineal Gland
In the center of the brain. Regulates waking and sleeping cycles.
Hormone triggers sleepiness. Made in the pineal gland.
Study of the digestive system.
What are the three major functions of the digestive system
Digest foods
Absorb nutrients
Eliminate waste
Physical and chemical break down of complex nutrients into simple water soluble substances the body can use.
Salivary Glands
Produce saliva in the mouth.
Crown of the tooth
Part of the tooth that we can see.
Covers the crown. Hardest substance in the body.
Hard bone like substance under enamel.