chapter 1 (1-4) chapter 2 (1-2) Flashcards
a belief in many gods
cultural diffusion
the spreading of ideas or products form one group of people to another
tigris and Euphrates
the rivers of Fertile Crescent that frame Mesopotamian civilization
city state
a city and its surrounding lands functioning as an independent political. unit
a belief in only one god
the Fertile Crescent
an arc of rich farmland in southwest Asia, between the Persian gulf and the. Mediterranean Sea.
the region of fertile crescent where the first civilization arose and first empire arose
a series of rulers from a as a single family
cultural diffusion
the spreading of ideas or products from one group of people to another
a skilled worker such as a weaver or potter who makes goods by hand
to tame animals for human use
a form of trade in which people exchange goods and services without the use of money
a member of a group that has no permanent home, wandering from place to place in search of food and water.
bronze age
a period in human history, beginning around 3000 bc in some areas, during which people began using bronze.
a system of writing with wedge shaped symbols, invented by the Sumerians around 3000 bc
a tiered, pyramid shaped structures that formed part of a Sumerian temple
a more or less triangular deposit of sand and soil that collects at the mouth of some rivers
one of the professional record keepers in early civilizations
an ancient country in southern Mesopotamia in present- say southern Iraq