Chapter 01.4 - Capital & Revenue expenditure Flashcards
What is capital expenditure?
Capital expenditure is money spent that has a long term benefit to the business. In practice, this usually means money spent on non-current assets. Ex - Premises Motor vehicles Plant & Machinery Fixtures and fittings
Any money spent on acquiring, altering or improving an NCA is also classified as capital expenditure.
Ex - An extension to property
sign writing on a van
Legal expenses when purchasing a property.
What is revenue expenditure?
Revenue expenditure is money spent that has a short term benefit to the business. ( less than one year ) Ex. Running costs of the business Purchase of raw materials staff wages Rent & Rates Light & heat Stationary Advertising Maintenance or repair of NCA's
One feature of revenue expenditure is that it is recurring and is not a one- off payment.
Where does capital expenditure appear on the financial statements of a business ?
It appears on the SOFP, listing all assets and liabilities of a business.
Where is revenue expenditure recorded o the financial statements ?
It is recorded in the Income statement where expenses will be deducted from revenue to calculate profit or loss of the business.
What are revenue receipts?
These are arising from normal day to day business activity. Ex - Income generated from sales , Rent receivable
What are capital reciepts?
Receipts which do not arise from normal day to day business activity. Ex - Capital contributions from the owner, Long term loans, proceeds from the sale os NCA’s