chapt. 2 Flashcards
Naturalization process
Process of becoming a U.S. Citizen
7 step process
4 ways to become a U.S. Citizen
Born in U.S., born to U.S. Citizen, naturalization, adoption
7 step process
Green card, live in US 3-5 years, present 2.5 years, apply for naturalization $675, pass history test, pass history test, interview in English, take oath in front of judge
Magna carta
Document king was forced to sign by nobles
Sets up limited government-everyone must follow law
Limited government
Everyone must follow laws, including king/government
Ex. King has to ask permission from parliament if he wants to tax
Rule by law
Government has to be based on a system of laws
Ex. English-bill of rights
Advantages of bi-cameral
More people, more time-better laws, houses check each other
Disadvantages to bicameral system
Takes more time, more people involved, houses check each other
Bi-cameral legislature
2 house
U. S. Senate and house
British parliament-house of commons and house of lords
English bill of rights
First written government in U.K.
Gives rights to people
Trial by jury, right to bare arms, freedom of speech
Writ of habeus corpus
Go to judge-present all evidence
1. Case is dismissed
2.go to trial-jury decides
Common law
Laws are based on common sense or tradition (precedent)
Ex. Steal a loaf of bread, everyone has the same sentence for it
Declaration of in dependence
Declared independence from Britain-listed reasons for break away
Articles of confederation
First written government
Each state is independent
Government couldn’t Tax, no common currency, no central authority-SET UP TO FAIL
Constitutional convention
Meeting to fix articles-can’t be fixed
Begin writing constitution-committing treason