Chapt 10 Wax, Casting Investment And Casting Procedures Flashcards
Baseplate wax
Dental wax provided in sheet form to establish the initial arch form in the construction of complete dentures. contains approximately 75% paraffin or other waxes, and resins.
Bite wax
A wax form used to record the occlusal surfaces of teeth, aid in establishing maxillomandibular relationships.
Boxing wax
A wax sheet form used as a border at the perimeter of an impression to provide an enclosed boundary for the base of the cast to be made from a poured material such as gypsum or resin.
Process of heating an invested mold to eliminate the embedded wax or plastic pattern.
Corrective wax = dental impression wax)
A thermoplastic wax that is used to make a type of dental impression.
Dental wax
- A low-molecular-weight ester of fatty acids derived from natural or synthetic components, such as petroleum derivatives, that soften to a plastic state at a relatively low temperature.
- A mixture of two or more waxes and additives used as an aid for the production of gypsum casts, production of nonmetallic denture bases, registering of jaw relations, and laboratory work.
Direct wax technique
A process whereby a wax pattern is prepared in the mouth directly on prepared teeth.
Process of removing investment from a cast metal or hot-pressed ceramic.
Indirect wax technique
Procedure in which a wax pattern is prepared on a die.
Elastic memory
Tendency of a solid wax form to partially return to its original shape when it is stored at a higher temperature than that to which it was cooled.
Inlay wax
A specialized dental wax that can be applied to dies to form direct or indirect patterns for the lost-wax technique, which is used for the casting of metals or hot pressing of ceramics.
Relative ability of wax to plastically deform when it is heated slightly above body temperature.
Hygroscopic expansion
Amount of setting expansion that occurs when a gypsum-bonded casting investment is immersed in water, which is usually heated to approximately 38 C.
Capable of sustaining exposure to a high temperature without significant degradation.
The mold channel through which molten metal or ceramic flows into a mold cavity.
Sprued wax pattern
A wax form consisting of the prosthesis pattern and the attached sprue Network.
Sticky wax
A type of dental wax that exhibits high adhesion to dry, clean surfaces when it is heated to a plastic condition.