Chaps 1-6 Flashcards
Chemical process that occurs at a fast rate to produce heat and usually light in form of a glow or flame
A rapid oxidation process which a gas phase chemical reaction results in light and heat
A material that will maintain combustion under specific environmental conditions
Any material that readily yields oxygen or other oxidizing gas that reacts to promote or initiate combustion of combustible materials
Anything that occupies space and has mass
Capacity to perform work, occurs when force is applied to an object over a distance or a substance undergoes a chemical biological or physical changE
Chemical process that occurs when a substance combines with an OXIDIZER such as oxygen in air ( rust on metal )
Stored energy possessed by an object that can be released in the future to perform work once released
Potential energy
Total amount of thermal energy that could be generated by combustion reaction if a fuel were completely burned. Measured in kilojoules( not energy in name )
Heat of combustion
Energy possessed by moving a object because of its motion
Kinetic energy
Kinetic energy associated with random motions of molecules of a material or object (think heat)
Thermal energy
The way energy is measured in international system of units . 4.2 joules is needed to change 1 gram of water by 1 Celsius
Chemical reaction between 2 or more materials that CHANGE MATERIAL and produce heat
Exothermic reaction
Chemical reaction where a substance absorbs heat
Endothermic reaction
Fire triangle O, F, H
Oxygen fuel heat
Chemical decomposition of a solid material by heating. (Liquid would be vaPorization)
Moment when a mixture of fuel and oxygen encounters an external heat source with enough heat to start a combustion reaction PI
Piloted ignition
To draw in and transport solid particles or gases by the flow of
FUELS in which the energy of combustion derives principally from CARBON (wood, cotton , coal , petroleum
Carbon based fuels
Hydrocarbon fuels
Compound that contain only hydrogen and carbon. ( plastics or synthetic)
Smoke is a aerosol comprised of ?
Gases , vapors and solid particulates
Fatal condition caused by severe oxygen deficiency and excess of CO or other gases in blood
Colorless, odorless gas. Toxics and flammable. Formed by incomplete combustion of carbon. Decrease bloods ability to carry oxygen
Carbon monoxide
Colorless, toxic and flammable liquid until it reaches 79 f above that it becomes a gas with a faint Odor similar to bitter almonds produce by nitrogen bearing substance
Hydrogen cyanide
Colorless gas that is highly irritating to the nose.
Nitrogen dioxide
Reddish brown or yellowish brown liquid . Toxic and corrosive
Colorless gas with a chocking or suffocating Odor . Toxic and corrosive SD
Sulfur dioxide
FORCE per unit area exerted by a liquid or gas measured in pounds per square inch
Standard temp 68 degrees
Capacity of a liquid or gas to remain afloat or rise
Measure of the rate of HEAT transfer to or From a surface
Heat flux
Chemical reaction that increase the temp of a material WITHOUT the addition of external HEAT
Self heating
Ignition without the addition of external heat
Spontaneous ignition
Electrical energy can occur by ?
RH , oC, Ol
Resistance heating (portable heater)
Over current or overload
Friction or compression (movement of 2 surface against each other makes heat ) is what kind of energy ?
Mechanical energy
Transfer of heat through and between solids ( touching a hot stove )
Transfer of thermal energy by circulation or movement of fluids (gas or liquid) (smoke moving from a fire )
The point where 2 things that are in thermal contact no longer transfer heat because there the same temp
Thermal equilibrium
TendencyOf a material to CONDUCT you within its volume measured in energy transferred over distance per degree of temperature
Thermal conductivity
Transfer of heat energy from one body to another body at a lower temperature
Radiation is a common cause of?
Exposure fires
Fuel that has been oxidized or burn during combustion Ra
Reducing agent
Organic fuels
Gasoline, fuel, plastics ,wood or paper
Amount energy delivered over a given period of time P
Most dangerous fuel types already in the physical state to ignite
Methane ( natural gas), hydrogen and acetylene
Density of gases in relation to air
Vapor density
Mass of a substance compared to the weight of an equal volume of water at a given temperature
Specific gravity
PRESSURE at which a vapor is an equilibrium with it liquid phase at a given temperature
Vapor pressure
Minimum temperature at which a liquid gives off sufficient vapors to ignite is at what point ?
Flammable liquids such as alcohol methane ethanol will mix readily with water
Polar solvents
Range between upper FLAMMABLE and it’s in the lower flammable limits in which a substance can ignite FER
Flammable explosion range
Electrical charged highly reactive part of molecules released during combustion reaction FR
Free radical
Extinguishment of fire by interruption of the chemical chain reaction ( dry chem extinguisher)
Chemical flame inhibition
When sufficient oxygen is available for flaming combustion.
Fuel limited
Fire with limited ventilation in which the heat release rate or growth is limited by the amount of oxygen available to the fire
Ventilation limited
Stages of fire development
Incipient stage
Fully developed
Ventilation limited fires may also?
Self extinguish
When flames reach 2.5 feet high the fire will enter what stage
Growth stage
Horizontal movement of a layer of hot gases and combustion buy products from the centerpoint of the plume Cj
Ceiling jet
Area surrounding a heat source in which there is sufficient air available to feed a fire Cz
Combustion zone
Tendency of gases to form into layers according to temperatures gas density and pressure
Thermal layering
space between the air intake and exhaust outlet Fp
Flow path
Flames in the hot gas layer that indicate the gas layer is within its frame of the range and has begun to ignite observed immediately before a flash over
Isolated flames
Interference between the hot gas layers in the cooler layers of air
Neutral plane
Rapid transition from growth stage to fully developed stage. Combustible materials and fuel gas is in the compartment ignite almost simultaneously
Flash over
Explosion or rapid burning of a superheat gases that occur when oxygen is introduced into an oxygen depleted confined space may occur because of an adequate or improper ventilation
During flashover the environment of a room changes from
A two layer condition (hot on top cooler on bottom) to a single well mixed hot gas condition from floor to ceiling. as flashover occurs the gas temperatures in the room reach 1100°
Rollover may occur during what stage
Growth stage as the hot gas where forms at the ceiling of the compartment
During flash over the volume of burning gases can increase from approximately
1/2 of the rooms upper volume to fill the entire rooms volume
Roll over
Unburned fire gases that have accumulated at the top of a compartment ignite and flames propagate through the hot gases layers or across the ceilings
4 common elements of flashover
Transition and fire development - growth to full developed
Rapidity - Matter of seconds
Compartment- enclosed space
Pyrolysis of a exposed fuel surface- all gases ignite
Auto ignition temperature of carbon monoxide
Two main types of fully developed fires
Ventilation limited and fuel limited
Flashover indicators building FL , TP , V
Fuel load ,thermal properties and ventilation
Flashover indicator smoke
Rapidly increase in volume turbines darkening color and lowering of her gas layer or neutral plan