Chapman's Reflexes - complete Flashcards
anterior: 1 “ above and 1 “ lateral on either side of the umbilicus post: intertransverse space between T12 and L1 vertebrae, midway between the spinous and transverse process
anterior: upper edge of the body and ramus of the pubic bone near the pubic symphysis
posterior: Tip of the transverse process of L2
ant: 2-2.5” above and 1” lateral on either side of the umbilicus
post: intertransverse space between the 11th and 12th thoracic vertebrae between spinous process and transverse process
ant: upper edge of the 12th rib near the tip on the right post: intertransverse space between the 11th and 12th thoracic vertebrae on the right
Arm Circulation
ant: muscular attachments of the pectoralis minor to the 3rd, 4th and 5th ribs post: Superior angle of the scapula, the 1st, 2nd, 3rd ribs along the inner margin of the scapula
Arm neuritis
ant: between the 3rd and 4th ribs (3rd intercostal space) near the sternum
post: intertransverse space, midway between the spinous and transverse processes of the 3rd and 4th thoracic vertebrae
ant: around the umbilicus, as well as on the pubic symphysis close to the median line
post: upper edge of transverse process of L2
Broad ligament
ant: from the greater trochanter to within 2” of the knee joint on the outer aspect of the femur post: upper edge of transverse process of L2
ant: Between the 2nd and 3rd ribs (2nd intercostal space) close to the sternum
post: Midway between the tip of the transverse process and spinous process of T2 on the posterior aspect of hte transvese process
ant: Tip of the coracoid process
post: Just under the skull, midway between the nuchal ligament and the C1 transverse process
Ant: upper, inner aspect of the posterior thigh 2-5” long and 1.5-2” wide
post: articulation of the coccyx with the sacrum
Colon (spastic constipation or colitis)
Anterior: an area 1-2” wide, extending from the greater trochanter to within an inch of the patella on the anterior-lateral aspect of the femur;
on the Right side = upper 1/5th indicates cecum, next 3/5ths reflects the ascending colon, last 1/5th reflects the first 2/5ths of the transverse colon;
on the left side = first 1/5th just abover the knee corresponds to the last 3/5ths of transverse colon, the middle 3/5ths reflects the descending colon, and the last 1/5th is the sigmoid; the extreme upper end of the trochanter on the left side = the recto-sigmoid junction
Posterior: transverse process of L2 to the transverse process of l4 creating a triangular area reaching across to the iliac crest.
ant: ant aspect of the humerus, middle aspect of the surgical neck inferiorly
post: around the suboccipital nerve
ant: between the 2nd and 3rd ribs (2nd intercostal space) close to the sternum
post: midway between the tip of the transverse process and spinous process of T2 on the posterior aspect of the transverse process (note: same as bronchus)
inguinal lymph nodes
ant: lowest 2/5th of the sartorius muscle and its attachment to the tibia, and just above the medial femoral condyle
post: on the sacrum close to the ilium
Fallopian tubes
posterior only: between the PSIS and spinous process of L5 (note: same as broad ligament)
posterior only: on the sacrum close to the ilium at the lower end of the SI joint, and on the ischial tuberosity
ant: between the 6th and 7th ribs (6th intercostal spacce) from the mid-clavicular lline to the sternum on the right
post: intertransverse space, midway between the spinous and transverse processes, between 6th and 7th thoracic vertebrae on the right
Intestinal peristalsis (constipation)
ant: between the ASIS and the greater trochanter
post: costovertebral junction of the 11th rib on the right
ant: upper surface of the 2nd rib, 2-3” lateral from the sternum
post: midway between the tip of the transverse process and spinous process of C2 on the posterior aspect of the transverse process
ant: between the 5th and 6th ribs (5th intercostal space) and the 6th and 7th ribs (6th intercostal space) from the mid-clavicular line to the sternum on the right
post: midway between the tip of the transverse process and spinous process of C2 on the posterior aspect of the transverse process
Lung, lower
ant: Between the 4th and 5th ribs (4th ICS) close to the sternum
post: intertransverse space, midway between spinous and transverse processes of the 4th and 5th thoracic vertebra
Lung, upper
ant: Between the 3rd and 4th ribs (3rd iICS) close to the sternum
post: intertransverse space, midway between spinous and transverse processes of the 3rd and 4th thoracic vertebra
Middle ear (otitis media)
ant: upper edge of the clavicle, just lateral to where it crosses the 1st rib
post: upper edge of the posterior aspect of the tip of the C1 transverse process
ant: Between the 2nd and 3rd ribs (2nd intercostal space) close to the sternum
Post: intertransverse space, midway between spinous and transverse processes of the 2nd and 3rd thoracic vertebra
ant: inner aspect of the upper end of the humerus from the surgical neck inferiorly
post: across the posterior aspect of the transverse processes of C3, C4, C5, C6, and C7
ant: all muscular attachments of pectoralis major on the humerus, clavicle, sternum and cartilage of the ribs, esp. rib 4 in front of the mid-axillary line
post: posterior aspect of the 4th rib, from the costovertebral junction to the rib angle
ant: costochondral junction of 1st rib
post: lateral aspect of the transverse process of C1
ant: upper, medial border of the pubic bone
post: intertransvese space between teh 9th and 10th thoracic vertebrae (inner half of the ovary) and the 10th and 11th thoracic vertebrae (outer half of hte ovary)
ant: between the 7th and 8th ribs (7th ICS) on the right close to the costochondral junction
post: intertransvrse space, midway between the spinous and transverse processes, between the 7th and 8th thoracic vertebrae on the right
ant: Front of the 1st rib 3/4-1” medial to where the clavicle crosses the 1st rib
post: midway between the spinous process and tip of the transverse process of C2, on the posterior aspect of the transverse process
ant: laterally on either side of the pubic symphysis; also, from teh greater trochanter inferiorly to within 2” of the knee joint on the outer aspect of the femur
post: Between the PSIS and spinous process of L5 (note: same as broad ligament and fallopian tubes)
Pyloric stenosis
ant: along the sternal body from the angle of Louis to the xiphoid process
post: costovertebral junction of the 10th rib on the right
ant: around the lesser trochanter
post: on the sacrum close to the ilium at the inferior aspect of the SI joint
Retina, conjunctiva
ant: anterior aspect of the humerus, from middle aspect of the surgical neck downward
post: around the suboccipital nerve
posterior only. 1st- from the greater trochanter downward 2-3” on the posterior outer aspect of the femur;
2nd- mid-posterior region of the femur 1/3 the distance up from the condyles
3rd- Just above the knee and continuing upward fro 2” on the posterior outer aspect of the femur;
supplemental points: both sides of the fibula from its upper attachment or articulation with the tibia to the outer malleolus
ant: 3 1/2” from the sternum, on the upper edge of 2nd rib and in the 1st intercoastal space
post: midway between the tip o fthe transverse and spinous processes of C2 on the posterior aspect of the transverse process
Small intestine
ant: intercostal spaces between the 8th and 9th, 9th and 10th, and 10th and 11th ribs near the cartilaginous attachments bilaterally
post: intertransvverse spaces, midway between the spinous and transverse processes, between the 8th and 9th, 9th and 10th, and 10th and 11th thoracic vertebrae on the left.
Seminal vesicles
posterior only- between the PSIS and spinous process of L5
ant: between the 7th and 8th ribs (7th inercostal space) on the left close to the costochondral junction
post: Intertransverse space, midway between the spinous and transverse processes, between the 7th and 8th thoracic vertebrae on the left
Stomach, decreased peristalsis
ant: Between the 6th and 7th ribs (6th intercostal space) from the mid-clavicular line tothe sternum on the left
post: intertransverse space, midway between the spinous and transverse processes, between the 6th and 7th thoracic vertebrae on the left
Stomach, hyperacidity
ant: Between the 5th and 6th ribs (6th IC) from the mid-clavicular line to the sternum on the left..
post: intertransverse space, midway between the spinous and transverse processes, between the 5th and 6th thoracic vertebrae on the left
ant: upper, medial border of the pubic bone
post: intertransverse space between 9th and 10th thoracic vertebrae (inner half of the testes) and the 10th and 11th thoracic vertebrae (outer half of the testes)
ant: between 2nd and 3rd ribs (2nd ICS) close to the sternum
post: midway between the spinous process and the transverse processes of T2 (note: same as bronchus)
ant: anterior aspect of the 2nd rib cartilage 3/4” lateral to the sternum
post: midway between the transverse and spinous processes of C2 on the superior aspect of the transverse process
ant: between the 1st and 2nd ribs (1st ICS) close to the sternum
post: posterior surface of the C1 transverse process, midway between the nuchal ligament and lateral most aspect of hte C1 transverse process
ant: medial edge of the pubic ramus near the upper edge of the pubic symphysis
post: upper edge of the transverse process of L2
ant: upper edge of the junction of the pubic ramus with the ischium
post: tip of the transverse process of L5 toward the iliac crest and between PSIS and spinous prcess of L5
Vagina (leukorrhea)
between the PSIS and spinous process of L5, the inner femoral condyle, and superiorly from 3-6” on the posterior aspect
upper, inner aspect of the posterior thight 3-5” long and 1.5-2” wide and on the side of the articulation of the coccyx with the sacrum