Chapitre 17 - Program Design R Training Flashcards
What are the 3 principle anaerobic exercise prescription to consider
Specificity( SAID)
What is specificity and on what factor based on
: trained in specific matter to produce specific adaptation training outcome
- muscle involve
- movement pattern
- nature muscle action ( speed, force application)
- sport season
What is overload and how can it be done (4)
: assigning workout greater intensity then athlete used to
- increase load
- inc. number session / week or day
- complex vs simple exercise
- decrease rest period between set/exercise
What is progression and how is it done (5)
: applied by progressively increasing intensity, based on training status allow long-term benefit
- increase load
- raise number weekly session
- add more drill / exercise session
- increase training stimulus
- change type technical requirement exercise
What are the step after the need analysis
2- exercise selection
3- training frequency
4- exercise order
5- training load + reps
6- volume
7- rest period
Related exercise to dribbling and passing
- close-grip bench press
- dumbell bench press
- tricep pushdown
- reverse curl
-hammer curl
Related exercise to ball kicking
- unilat. Hip add/abd
- single leg squar
- forward step lunge
- leg ext.
- leg raise
Related exercise with frestyle swimming
- pull-up
- lat. SH raise
- forward step lunge
- upright row
- barbell pullover
Related exercise to vertical jump
- snatch
-power clean - push jerk
- back squat
- front squat
- standing calf rauss
Related exercise to rowing
- power clean
- clean pull
- snatch pull
- bent-over row
- seated row
- angle leg press
-horizontal leg press - deadlift
- stuff-leg deadlift
- good morning
Related exercise with racker stroke
- flat dumbbel fly
- lunge
- bent-over lateral raise
- wrist curl
- wrist ex.
Related exercise with running, sprinting
- snatch
- power clean
- front squat
- forward step-linge
- step-up
- leg extension
- leg curl
- DF
Related exercise throwing and pitching
- lunge
- single leg squat
- barbell pull over
- overhead tricep ext.
2 type exercise
- Core and assistance exercise
- Structural + power exercise
Core vs assistance exercise
Core: recruit 1 or more larger muscle areal + 2 or more primary joint ( should be prioritize if direct application to sport)
Assistance: recruit smaller muscle area + 1 primary joint ( less important to improve sport specific)
Difference structural and power exercise
Structural: emphasize loading spine directly/indirectly
Power: structural exercise performed quickly/ explosively
What should you consider when doing your exersice selection
1- exercise type
2-movement analysis of the sport
3-muscle balance
4- exercise technique experience
5- availability training time/ session
What are you looking for with the muscle balance in exercise selection
You want to maintain balance muscular strength across joint + opposing muscle
1- hip ext/flex. 2- elbow ext/flex 3- trunk ext/flex 4- ankle inv/ev 5-SH IR/ER 6-SH flex/ext
7- KN ext/flex 8- ankle PF/DF
- 1:1
- 1:1
- 1:1
4.1:1 - 3:2
- 2:3
- 3:2
- 3:1
What are you considering when looking at the training frequency
- Training status
- Sport season
- Training load + exercise type
- Other training
How does training status affect the training frequency
Affect nb day off b/w session
- Beginner: 2-3 session/week
- Intermediate : 3-4 session/week
- Advance: 4-7 sessions/week
3 commun split routine
- Upper body + lower body
- Chest, SH, tricep + lower body + back, traps, bicep
- Chest, back + lower body + SH, arm
How those the season influence the training frequency
- Off-season: 4-6 sessions/week
- Preseason: 3-4 sessions/week
- In-season: 1-3 sessions/ week
- Post-season: 0-3 session/week
Factor might affect training frequency based on training load and exercise type
- Alternating lighter + heavier training day
- Upper body recover more quickly than lower body
- Single joint recover more quickly than multiple joint
By what type of other training is frequency affect by ( give exemple)
: affected by overall amount physical stress
1. Other anaerobic training
2. Aerobic training
3. Sport skill practice
4. Physical demanding occupation
Ex: sprinting, agility, speed-endurance, plyometric, sport skill practice
On what is rest period base on
- Goal
- Load
- Amount muscle mass
- Athlete status
Rest period for strength and power exercise
Near max = need more rest especially lower body
2-5 min
Rest period for hypertrophy exercise
Short- moderate rest ( 30- 1.5min)
Rest period for muscular endurance
Very short (less or equal 30 sec)
Factor influence volume
- Multiple vs single sets
- Training status
- Primary resistance training goal
Component volume + definition
- Volume: total amount wt lifted in session
- Set: group of set
- Rep-volume: total # rep in session
- Load-volume: total # set x #rep/set x wt/rep
Difference single-effort event or multiple-effort event
- Single good for untrained or the first months
- Multiple need higher volume for further gain strength good for intermediate and advance athlete
How training status affect volume
- Beginner: 1 or 2 set
- Intermediate + advance: add set as become better
Volume if goal strength and power
Lower volume to maximize quality exercise
Volume if goal hypertrophy
Higher volume + performing 3+ exercise / muscle group since goal is to increase muscle volume
Volume if goal is muscular endurance
Many reps/set but lighter load + fewer set
5 type of way to organise exercise order
- Power, other core, assistance exercise : multi joint then single joint / larger muscle then smaller muslce + power exercuse always first
- Alternated upper + lower body: minimize length rest + maximize rest between body part + decrease training time ( if continuous might increase cardio)
- Alternated push + pull exercise: improve recovery + recruitment = not same m. In 2 exercise in a row ( beginner or returning athlete)
- Superset + compound set:
- superset: 2 exercise stress opposing muscle
- compound: 2 diff. Exercise same muscle - Pre-exhaustion: purposely fatiguing larger muscle groupe in single joint exercise prior mulitple joint