Chaper 1 = Greeks Gods Flashcards
What religion have the Greeks?
What represent the Greeks gods?
The yearnings and the fears
What command the Greeks gods?
The sky , the land , the rivers, the sea…
The Greeks gods where immortals?
Who was the older brother of Zeus and Hades?
Who was Hades?
Is the god of the dead’s
Hera was the wife of Poseidon and the god of marriage?
No she isn’t, she was the wife of Zeus.
What was Zeus?
Was the son of Cronos and Rea, is the boss of the gods.
Afrodita was the god of the love?
Hefesto was the son of Zeus and Afrodita?
Apolo was the god of the sun?
Ares was the god of the peace?
No he isn’t, he was the god of the war
Is Artemisa the god of the hunting?
Yes she is.
Atenea was a messenger?
No she isn’t, she was the god of the wisdom
Hermes was the son of Zeus ?
Yes he is