chap13 Flashcards
what led to the cognitive revolution?
increasing interest in complex mental processes -> interdisciplinary (experiemtnal psyc, lingustics, ai, neuroscience) work post ww2, growing criticism of behaviorism, mind model based on COMPUTER
whats cognitive psychology
explains STRUCTURE & OPERATIONS/func/s of mental processes
3 research approaches from outside psych that influenced cognitive psych
1 communications research & info processing 2 computer model 3 generative linguistics
1 research approach w/in psyh that influenced development of cognitive psych
when was communications research & info processing approach (cr&ip)? impactful?
what guided the cr&ip approach?
information theory
explain information theory
info communicated by sending signal thru sequence of stages
why was weaver’s info sequene model significant?
human perception & memory seen similarly
cognition -> flow of info - dominating cognitive psych today
cr&ip: filter model
1st major theoretical effort at cognitive theory presented in form of flowchart
filter model of attention
computer model approach
compares human intelligence to computer system
newell, shaw & simon computer program that solves logic problems like humans
established field of AI
interaction bw computer model & info processing approaches
related computer model to info processing psych
human info processing = sequences of computational processes operating on mental representations
eg: img / goal @ given pt,
plan a,b,c / response
tote - test operatetest exit - work or not, if not then go back to plan for next plan
general linguistics approach: universal grammar
human biologically programmed to learn language, innate mental capacity to generate sentences w unconscious knowloedge of language
impact of generative linguistics approach in behavriorism and cognitive psych?
bad for behaviorism
propelled cognitive psych