Chap 8 General meeting Flashcards
General Meetings
Agenda item is called Business (to be mentioned in notice)
Director can attend but cannot vote
Chairman shall preside
Statutory meeting
First general meeting
Annual general meeting
Once year
Extra ordinary general meeting
Approval of shareholders required urgently so anytime.
Statutory meeting - which companies are required to conduct?
Every public company (having share capital)
Private company which converts into public company within 1 year of incorporation
Statutory meeting is conducted when?
Within 9 months from incorporation or
Within 180 days of commencement of business
Whichever is earlier
Not required if agm is conducted before statutory meeting
Statutory meeting- what is discussed
Statutory report
1. Total no of shares alloted
2. Cash received against share allotted
3. Summary of receipt and payment (not earlier by 15 days)
4. Particulars of directors, CEO, secretary, auditor
5. Brief overview of company affairs
6. Particulars of contract which are to be modified
7. Extent of carrying out or not of underwriting contract
8. Particulars of commission/brokerage paid against shares issued to directors, CEO, secretary, officers
Auditor report is given on
On shares alloted
On cash received against shares alloted
On receipt and payment
Certification of statutory report
By all of them:
By ceo
By 1 director
By cfo (if listed)
Annual General Meeting -conducted
First agm conducted within 16 months from the date of incorporation
Subsequent Agm is conducted once in each calender year and within 120 days from close of financial year.
Annual general meeting is necessary
For every company (except single member)
Who can propose resolution (AGM)
Members with 5% voting power atleast 10 days before general meeting
Extraordinary General Meeting?
Special business is discussed
Any General meeting other than statutory meeting and AGM
Who can call general meeting?
Board of director
If members want to conduct EGM
10% voting rights or members having 10% voting power
File written requisition, signed, stating objects
If directors do not proceed within 21 days
Members may themselves call meeting
Meeting to be conducted within 9o days of requisition (otherwise void)
Expenses to be repaid by company and to be deducted from director’s remuneration
Commission can call general meeeting
If default is made in conducting statutory meeting, AGM, EGM
Commission may give additional directions
Eg Quorum, expense
If Default - penalty of level 3