Chap 7 ( up until 260) Flashcards
why should we worry about logical structure?
(1) Comprehension: Helps us to better see the underlying forms of argument.
(2) Positive Evaluation: Helps us to readily spot (and create) valid arguments.
(3) Negative Evaluation: Helps us to readily spot (and avoid creating) invalid arguments.
whats a Simple Statement
Contains no other statement as a component part. (We represent it with a letter, like “P”.)
whats a Complex Statement?
Contains at least one other statement as a component part.
whats a Logical Operator?
Special expressions which work to combine simple statements into complex ones: AND, OR, IF…THEN, NOT
1) Conjunction
2) Negation
3) Disjunction
4) Conditional
whats a Conjunction ?
- a Logical Operator
- two simple sentences joined by a connective to form a compound statement
- “and”
if one or both of the conjuncts is false then the sentence is….
whats the symbol for conjunctions?
& ( ampersand)
Other conjunct. words:
‘however’, ‘although’, ‘nonetheless’, ‘moreover’.
Give an example of a conjunction.
- Alice is happy AND Jim is sad
- Justin Trudeau is Prime Minister now, but Tom Mulcair will be soon.
- The lecture was poorly-presented, even though the topic was interesting.
- John had cake and Jill had pie.
whats a Disjunction?
- a logical operator
- coumpound statemnet of the form “either p or Q”.
- p v q
- A disjunctions is true even if only one disjunctions is true and false only if both disjunctions are false
When is a disjunction true?
- A disjunctions is true even if only one disjunctions is true
When is a disjunction fasle ?
if both disjunctions are false
whats the symbol for disjunstions
V ( wedge)
Other disjunct. words:
English: ‘exclusive’ sense. “A v B, and not both.”
Logic: ‘inclusive’ sense.
examples of disjunctions
- “Either John had cake or Jill had pie.”
- Alice is happy OR Jim is sad
whats Negation?
- logical operator
- denial of a statement which we indicate
- “not”
- ~p
Other expressions include negation
Other expressions include: ‘it’s not true that’; ‘it’s false that’; ‘it’s not the case that’.
symbol negation
~ ( tilde)
when can a negation be false? .
False if and only if p is true.
whats an antecedent?
first part of a conditional statemmt ( if p then q) , the part that begins with “if”
whats a consequent
The end part of a conditional statement
- introduced by the term “then:
whats Conditional?
if - then statement
p → q
symbol for conditional
→ (arrow)
when is a conditionla sentence false
False if and only if the antecedent is true AND the consequent is false.
examples of conditional sentences
- If John had cake, then Jill had pie
examples with no if then temrs but follow the format:
“Since your lease expired the landlord is free to raise the rent”
“Being a teenager means you have lots of problems”
“Anyone who likes logic is a fool”
“The truth of evolution implies the falsity of the Bible”
“Whenever Lebowski drinks coffee, he gets antsy”
Tricky Point About Conditionals: “If” vs “Only If”
The word “if”, by itself, introduces the antecedent, no matter where it occurs in a statement.
“If I skip class, I’ll find the material difficult” “I’ll find the material difficult if I skip class. These are equivalent, and should be written as: S 🡪 D
The expression “only if” introduces the consequent, no matter where it occurs in a statement.
“Only if the price drops will I buy the giant TV”
“I will buy the giant TV only if the price drops”
These are equivalent, and should be written as: B 🡪 P
Tricky Point: Combining Logical Operators
A logical operation can be performed on a compound statement:
Both Tim and Sue will win the award. T & S It’s not the case that both Tim and Sue will win the award. ~ (T & S)
Just like in math, it matters where you put the brackets: the sentence above is not equivalent to ~T & S
Similarly, there’s an important difference between these two:
R → (W & M) If it rains, I am wet and miserable. (R → W) & M If it rains, I am wet. And I’m miserable
Combining Conjunction and Disjunction With Negation
Consider a conjunction, which is then negated:
Both Tim and Sue will graduate. (T & S)
It’s not the case that both Tim and Sue will graduate. ~ (T & S)
This is not equivalent to ~T & ~S Why? But it is equivalent to ~T v ~S Why?
Next, consider a negated disjunction: ~(T v S)
This reads: It’s not the case that either Tim or Sue will graduate.
This is not equivalent to ~T v ~S Why?
This is equivalent to ~T & ~S Why?