Each nerve ending makes a junction called?
Neuromuscular junction
The nerve fiber forms a complex of _________ that invaginates into the surface of the muscular fiber but lie outside the muscle plasma membrane.
Branching nerve terminal
The entire structure is called ?
Motor end plate
invagintaed membrane is called?
Synaptic gutter or Synaptic trough
The space between the terminal & fiber membrane is called _____this space is 20-3 nm.
Synaptic space or synaptic cleft
At the bottom of the gutter are numerous smaller folds of the muscle membrane, which greatly increase the surface area at which the synaptic transmitter can act.
Subneural cleft
In the axon terminal are many mitochondria that supply ATP, the energy source that is used for synthesis of an excitatory transmitter, what is this?
In the synaptic space are large quantities of the enzyme________ that destroys acetylcholine a few milliseconds after it has been released from the synaptic vesicles.
The vesicles then fuse w/ the neural membrane & empty their acetylcholine into the synaptic space by the process?
Each receptor is a protein complex that has a total molecular weight of 275,000. The complex is composed of of 5 subunits protein, what are those?
- Alpha protein
- Beta
- Delta
- Gamma proteins
this do not pass through because of strong negative charges in the mouth of the channel that repel these negative ions.
- Chloride ions
what are the only 2 positive ions in large concentration?
- sodium ions in ECF
- potassium ion in ICF
the negative potential on the inside of the muscle membrane ______ this millivolts, pulls the positevely charged sodium ions to the inside of the fiber, while simultaneously preventing efflux of the positively charged potassium ions when they attempt to pass outward.
-80 to 90 millivolts
What is the principal effect of opening the acetylcholine-gated channels
is to allow large number of sodium ion to pour to the inside of the fiber, carrying with them large numbers of positive changes
when the principal effect happens this creates a local positive potential change inside the muscle fiber membrane called?
end plate potential.
Acetylcholine is removed by 2 means:
- Destryoed by enzyme acetylcholinesterase
- Small amount of acetylcholine diffuses out in the synaptic space & is then no longer available to act on the muscle fiber membrane.