CHAP 7-DOT- Internal Control Flashcards
A concept applied to internal control reporting by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002
and PCAOB AS 2201. The internal control reports of both management and the auditors are as of the
final day of the reporting period—the “as-of date.
As-of date
The level of control risk used by the auditors in determining the
acceptable detection risk for a financial statement assertion and, accordingly, in deciding on the nature,
timing, and extent of substantive procedures
Assessed level of control risk
A standard checklist, form, or computer program that assists auditors in
making audit decisions by ensuring that they consider all relevant information or that aids them in
weighting and combining the information to make a decision.
Audit decision aid
A model for enabling on-demand user network access to a shared pool of
computing resources (e.g., servers, storage, applications, and services), often through a web browser,
with minimal effort on the part of the user. For example, an independent service provider may maintain
databases for a client that can be accessed in a number of locations by client personnel.
Cloud (computing)
A control that reduces the risk that an existing or potential control weakness
will result in a failure to meet a control objective (e.g., avoiding misstatements). Compensating controls
are ordinarily controls performed to detect, rather than prevent, the original misstatement from occurring.
Compensating control
Controls that function together to achieve the same control objective.
Complementary controls
A control established to remedy control problems (e.g., misstatements) that
are discovered through detective controls.
Corrective control
Analyses applied to raw data with the purpose of drawing conclusions about
relationships. Data analytics is being used by management to get insights into how to improve the
effectiveness and efficiency of operations. It is also used as a part of the management review to monitor
the performance of other internal controls. Auditors are increasingly using data analytics to improve the
effectiveness of certain audit procedures.
Data analytics
A situation in which the design or operation of a control does not
allow management or employees, in the normal course of performing their functions, to prevent or detect
misstatements on a timely basis. A deficiency in design exists when either a control necessary to meet a control
objective is missing or the existing control is not designed to operate effectively. A deficiency in operation
exists when a properly designed control does not operate as designed, or when the person performing the
control does not possess the necessary authority or qualifications to perform the control effectively.
Deficiency in internal control
Controls designed to discover control problems soon after they occur.
Detective controls
A form of insurance in which a bonding company agrees to reimburse an
employer for losses attributable to theft or embezzlement by bonded employees.
Fidelity bonds
Federal legislation prohibiting payments to foreign officials for
the purpose of securing business. The act also requires all companies under SEC jurisdiction to maintain
a system of internal control providing reasonable assurance that transactions are executed only with the
knowledge and authorization of management.
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
Substantive procedures for all relevant assertions and tests of
controls when the auditors’ risk assessment includes an expectation that controls are operating
effectively. The auditors perform risk assessment procedures to obtain an understanding of the client
and its environment, including internal control. They then conduct a risk assessment and determine the
appropriate further audit procedures.
Further audit procedures
Assigned duties that place an individual in a position to both perpetrate
and conceal errors or fraud in the normal course of job performance.
Incompatible duties
The risk of a material misstatement of a financial statement assertion before
considering any related controls.
Inherent risk
An audit where auditors, in addition to an opinion on the financial statements,
express an opinion on the effectiveness of a company’s internal control over financial reporting, in
accordance with PCAOB AS 2201. Public companies with a market capitalization of $75,000,000 or
more are required to undergo integrated audits.
Integrated audit